BIBM | The Institute
We highly value our commitment, probity and quality assurance given to our students. To be a role-model in what we advocate, we continuously assess the standard of the processes, operational efficiency, curriculum and make the courses in par with the national and international standards.
As providing quality education to all or any is our goal, we keenly follow the procedures, obtain quality certifications, accreditation and build partnerships with various top-notch educational and quality controlling entities.
AIMA (All India Management Association)
All India Management Association (AIMA)is that the apex body for management in India. AIMA makes a favorable contribution to management learning and practice within the country by offering various services within the areas of testing, skill development & training, events & conferences, distance education, research, executive education and management development programs.
Bharat Institute of Business Management is recognized by the council of AIMA as a Member of All India Management Association (AIMA). Through this membership, we aid in building management development programs that enhances the expansion of the Indian management sector.

MMA (Meerut Management Association)
Meerut Management Association may be a professional non-profit body affiliated to all India Management Association with the aim to push scientific management in industry and trade.
It also undertakes training and consultancy to enhance managerial effectiveness and competitiveness of its members. Bharat Institute of Business Management is that the member of Meerut Management Association. This membership is acquired crediting the development and cultivation of management expertise.

EFMD Global (European Foundation of Management Development)
EFMD plays a central role in shaping the worldwide approach to management education and provides a singular forum for information, research, networking, and debate on innovation and best practice. EFMD may be a network for schools and corporations that aim to develop socially responsible leaders and managers searching for opportunities to connect. Bharat Institute of Business Management is verified or tie up from EFMD Global. The membership is received as an honor for creating and sustaining an environment and professional eco system which is advantageous to the commercial, economic and skill growth of India.

MMA (Madras Management Association)
Madras Management Association (MMA) may be a premier institution that connects businessmen, industrialists, students and academicians, and policymakers and innovators to propagate Management Movement during this a part of the country.
Bharat Institute of Business Management is verified or tie up from Madras Management Association. This membership is received crediting the development and cultivation of management expertise built based on the amalgamation of Indian Ethos & codes of conduct with the practices from International Management system.

MSME (Micro Small & Medium Enterprises)
Micro Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) play a big role within the economic process of the country as a result of their contribution to production, exports and employment. Bharat Institute of Business management is verified from MSME, Government of India.

About BIBM
The BIBM Institute has been instituted to impart growing demand trained service oriented professionals.