Our Specialization
Human Resource Development and Training- Paper 1st
Industrial Relations & Labour Laws- Paper 2nd
Curriculum of Human Resource Development and Training- Paper 1st (BIBM – E1003)
S.No. | Topics |
1 | HRD: Concept and Benefits:-HRD Concept, Benefits, Pre-requisities, Its Distinction from HRM, HRD as a total System, Modern HRD Mechanisms, HRD in India. |
2 | HRD as a Total System:-Development: Analyzing the Role for Development. |
3 | Management Development:-Management Development: Concept, Need, and Management Development Methods. |
4 | Training: Meaning, Role and Needs:-Meaning, Role, Assessing Needs for Training, Organizing Training Programmes. |
5 | Training: Methods and Evaluation:-training Methods, Evaluation of Training. |
6 | Performance Appraisal:-Concept, Need, Objectives, Methods, Obstacles, Designing Effective Appraisal System, Performance Appraisal in Indian Organisations. |
7 | Potential Appraisal:-Concept, Need, Procedures, Requirements of a Good Appraisal System. |
8 | Job Enrichment:-Concept, Principles, Steps for Job Enrichment, Job and Work Redesign. |
9 | Quality of Work Life:-Meaning, Origin, Development and Various Approaches to QWL, Techniques for Improving QWL. |
10 | Quality Circles:-Concept, Structure, Role of Management, Quality Circles in India. |
11 | Management of Careers |
Curriculum of Industrial Relations Labour & Laws Paper 2nd (BIBM – E1004)
S.No. | Topics |
1 | Industrial Relations:-Concept, Evolution and Approaches, Economy and Labour Force in India. |
2 | Influence of State, Trade Unions and Employers’ Organization in Industrial Relations:-Role of State, Trade Union, Employers’ Organization in Industrial Relations in India. |
3 | Trade Unions:-Theoretical Foundations, Trade Union Act 1926, Trade Union Structures, Management of Trade Unions in India. |
4 | Contract of Employment:-The Contract of Employment: Introduction, The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act 1946, The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970. |
5 | Dispute Resolution and Industrial Harmony:-Industrial Conflict, Legal Framework – The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, Right to Strike, Voluntary and Statutory Measures for Prevention and Settlement of Industrial Dispute, ESMA (Essential Service Maintenance Act), 1981. |
6 | Collective Bargaining:-Industrial Democracy: Collective Bargaining: Introduction, Nature, Levels, Legal Framework, Negotiating Techniques and Skills, Workers Participation in Management and Impact on IR. |
7 | Workers’ Participation in Management:-Introduction, Workers’ Participation in Management, Workers’ Ownership as Turnaround Management, Employees Stock Option Plan (ESOP), Profit Sharing, Quality of Work Life (QWL), Quality Circles, Work Empowerment. |
8 | Public Policy and Wage Reward System:-Introduction, Wage System in India, The Payment of Wages Act 1936, Minimum Wages Act 1948, The Payment of Bonus Act 1965. |
9 | Labour Administration, Issues and its Reforms:-Labour Administration, Issues in Labour Policies and Labour Law Reform. |
10 | Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986:-The Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act,1986. |
11 | Industrial Relations in India, USA, UK, Japan and China:-Comparative study of IR in India, USA, UK, Japan & China, Contemporary Issues in IR. |
International Finance – Paper 1st
Security Analysis and Portfolio Management- Paper 2nd
Curriculum of International Finance – Paper 1st (BIBM – E1001)
S.No. |
Topics |
1 |
Introduction to Foreign Exchange:-Introduction to Foreign Exchange Transactions – Current A/c & Capital A/c Transactions – BOP Concepts, Role of IMF, World Bank, WTO. |
2 |
Balance of Payment:-Exchange Rate System, International Monetary System, Role of IMF, Fixed vs Floating Exchange Rates, Managed Floating, Evolution of Exchange Rate Mechanism in India. |
3 |
International Financial Institutions:-FEMA/PMLA, Important Aspects of Differences, Functions of an Authorized Dealer, Concepts Regarding Nostro/vostro Accounts & Mirror Accounts. |
4 |
Exchange Rate Mechanism:-Exchange Rate Determination, Direct & Indirect Quotations, Cross Rates, Merchant TT & Bill Rates. |
5 |
Foreign Exchange Management Act:-Foreign Exchange Management Act, Authorised Dealers, Export of Goods and Services, FEMA Regulation for Import of Goods and Services, Possession and Retention of Foreign Currency, Policy on “Know Your Customer” (KYC) Standards/” Anti-Money Laundering” (AML) Measures. |
6 |
Foreign Exchange Markets:-Market Conventions & Practices, Spot & Forward Rates, Factors affecting Spot & Forward Rates. |
7 |
Parties in International Finance:-PPP Theorem, Its Limitations, Interests Rate Parity (IRP),Fisher Effect, Arbitrage. |
8 |
International Market:-International Equity Market, International Debt Market, International Mutual Funds. |
9 |
Foreign Trade Policy:-Export Promotion Measures, Duty Drawback Schemes, Foreign Trade Development Act 2002, Incentives to Exporters School of Business Management. |
10 |
Letter of Credit:-Types of L/Cs, Introduction to UCP 600, Rights & Responsibilities of Parties under an L/C. |
11 |
Behaviour of Exchange Rate:-Behaviour of Exchange Rates (Including Intra-Day Behaviour), Dealing Room Operations, Front office, Back office & Mid office Functions, Exchange Position/ Cash Position. |
12 |
Managing Foreign Exchange Exposure:-Managing Foreign Exchange Risks, Transaction, Translation & Operating Exposures of Firms. |
13 |
Derivatives:-Use of Derivatives, Currency Options, Futures & Swaps. |
14 |
Capital Account Convertibility:-Capital Account Convertibility, Tarapore Committee Recommendations, Implementation of Recommendations. |
15 |
Introduction to ECGC and EXIM Bank:-Role of ECGC & Exim Bank. |
Curriculum of Security Analysis and Portfolio Management- Paper 2nd (BIBM – E1002)
S.No. |
Topics |
1 |
Introduction to Capital Market:-New Issue Market, Stock Exchanges. |
2 |
Risk and Return:-Concept of Risk and Return. |
3 |
Introduction to Security Analysis:-Introduction to Security Analysis. |
4 |
Fundamental Analysis:-Economic Analysis, Industry Analysis, Company Analysis. |
5 |
Equity Valuation Models:-Balance Sheet Valuation, Dividend Discount Model, Free Cash Flow Models, Earnings. |
6 |
Technical Analysis:-Charting Techniques & Technical Indicators. |
7 |
Efficient Market Theory:-Efficient Market Theory. |
8 |
Derivatives:-Concept of Derivatives (future and options). |
9 |
Portfolio Management:-Introduction to Portfolio Management. |
10 |
Portfolio Analysis:-Introduction to Portfolio Analysis. |
11 |
Capital Market Theory:-Introduction to Capital Asset Pricing Theory (CML & SML), Arbitrage Pricing Theory. |
12 |
Portfolio Performance Evaluation:-Portfolio for Performance Evaluation. |
13 |
Portfolio Revision:-Introduction. |
International Marketing Management- Paper 1st
Research Methodology- Paper 2nd
Curriculum of International Marketing Management- Paper 1st (BIBM – E1005)
S.No. |
Topics |
1 |
Introduction to International Marketing:-Meaning and Scope of International Marketing, Difference Between Domestic and International Marketing, Direction & Composition of Indian Exports. |
2 |
International Marketing Process:-International Marketing Tactics, Reasons for Entering Export Marketing and Organisation of an Export Department. |
3 |
India’s Export Import Policy:-Indian Export and Import Policy, Export Promotion Marketing and Organisation of an Export Department. |
4 |
International Economic Environment:-International Economic Environment, World Trade Tariff and Non-Tariff Restrictions, Role of WTO and Trading Blocks, International Monetary System. |
5 |
Procedure and Practices of Export:-The Procedure and Practices of Processing of an Export Order, Producing for Exports, Export Quality Control, Export Finance, Shipment and Procedures Thereof. |
6 |
Export Documentation:-Export Documents, Processing of an Export Order, Organisation and Structure of Export and Import Houses. |
7 |
Export Market & Export Marketing Process:-The Selection of Export Markets, Planning of Export Marketing Strategy-Product, Pricing, Promotion and Distribution Channel. |
8 |
International Marketing Research:-International Marketing Research. |
Curriculum of Research Methodology- Paper 2nd (BIBM – E1006)
S.No. |
Topics |
1 |
Introduction to Business Research:-Meaning of Business Research, Types of Research, Research Process. |
2 |
Research Problem:-Selection of the Problem, Understanding the Problem, Necessity of Defined Problem, Self Questioning by Researcher while Defining the Problem. |
3 |
Research Design:-An Overview, Exploratory Research, Descriptive Research Design, Difference Between Exploratory Research and Descriptive Research, Causal Research Design, Experimentation. |
4 |
Sources of Data:-Collection of Data, Collection of Primary Data Questionnaire, Collection of Secondary Data, Editing of Data, Analytical Tools of Data. |
5 |
Attitude Measurement and Scaling Techniques:-Measurement Scales, Comparative and Non-Comparative Scaling Techniques, Criteria for the Good Test. |
6 |
Questionnaire Designing:-Characteristics of Questionnaire, Different Types of Questionnaire, Process of Questionnaire Designing, Instruments, Sample Questionnaires. |
7 |
Introduction to Statistics:-Origin and Growth of Statistics, Meaning and Definition of Statistics, Statistics as a Science, Statistics as a Scientific Method. |
8 |
Data Processing Operations:-Data Preparation, The Process, Frequency Distribution Tables. |
9 |
Descriptive Statistics:-Measure of Central Tendency, Various Measures of Average, Measures of Dispersion. |
10 |
Sampling Distribution and Sampling Techniques:-Distinction Between Census and Sampling, Sampling Process, Types of Sample Design, Fieldwork, Errors in Sampling, Sample Size Decision, Sampling Distribution. |
11 |
Hypothesis Testing:-Steps Involved in Hypothesis Testing, Errors in Hypothesis Testing, Parametric Tests, Chi-Square Test, ANOVA, Non-Parametric Test. |
12 |
Introduction to Multivariate Analysis:-Multiple Regression, Discriminant Analysis, Conjoint Analysis, Factor Analysis, Cluster Analysis, Multidimensional Scaling (MDS). |
13 |
Probability and Probability Distribution:-Classical Definition, Counting Techniques, Statistical or Empirical Definition of Probability, Axiomatic or Modern Approach to Probability, Theorems on Probability, Theorems on Probability (Contd.), Probability Distribution of a Random Variable and Decision Analysis, Probability Distribution of a Random Variable, Mean and Variance of a Random Variable, Theorems on Expectation, Joint Probability Distribution, Decision Analysis. |
Sales and Distribution Management – Paper 1st
Management of a Sales Force – Paper 2nd
Curriculum of Sales and Distribution Management- Paper 1st (BIBM- E1075)
S.No. |
Topics |
1 |
Introduction and Basic Concepts:-Personal Selling, Definition of Sale and Salesmanship, marketing Environment, Sales Management Environment, Sales Forecasting, Sales Planning Process, Sales Management Process, Different Sales Strategies, Methods of Selling. |
2 |
Organizing and Executing the Sales:-Sales Department Relations, Prospecting, Preapproach: Planning the Sale, The Approach, Need Assessment, The Presentation, Meeting Objections, gaining Commitment, Closing the Sales and Follow-up, Closing Sales, Theories of Selling, Sales Personality. |
3 |
Sales Force Management:-Recruitment Sources, Recruitment Process, Selection process, Training Sales Representatives, Supervising Sales Representatives, Buyer-Seller Dyads, types of Selling Jobs, Salesman Motivation, motivation Model, Disciplined Work, Motivation Theory, Maslow’s hierarchy of Needs, Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory, Theory X and Theory Y, Contemporary views on Motivation, Salesman Compensation Technique, Sales Budgeting Procedures, Sales Quota, Sales Force Management System. |
4 |
Overview of Distribution Management:-Consumer Marketing channel, Industrial Marketing Channel, Road Transportation, Railways, Water Transport, Air, Pipelines, Ropeways, Freight Management, Containerization, Logistic and Supply Chain Management, Logistics and Competitive Performance, Physical Distribution Management, The Systems or ‘Total’ Approach to PDM, Distribution and Logistics Cost. |
5 |
Managing Marketing Intermediaries:– Wholesaler, Intermediaries, Merchant Wholesalers, Sole Distributionship, Franchising, retail Outlets, Department Stores, Chain Stores or Multiple Shops, Supermarkets, Channel Design, Multilevel Marketing (MLM)/Network Marketing, Network Marketing Success Stories in India. |
Curriculum of Management of a Sales Force – Paper 2nd (BIBM- E1076)
S.No. | Topics |
1 | Sales Planning:-Introduction, The Process and Functions, The Percentage of Time Spent on the Functional Activities by Organisational Level, Factors that can Affect Sales. |
2 | The Selling Process:-Introduction, Transaction versus Relationship Selling, Approaches to Selling. |
3 | Territory Management:-What is Territory Management? , How to do Territory Management / Planning? , The Money Plan, Sales Territory Management and Mapping, A Powerful Productivity Tool, Sales Territory Alignment: Grow Sales with Adding Resources. |
4 | Sales Control:-Need and Importance of Sales Control, The Sales Control Process, Accounting Techniques, Sales Volume Analysis Technique, Sales Cost Analysis Techniques, Salesman Control Techniques, Other Methods, The Sales Funnel. |
5 | Sales Training:-Introduction, Assessing Current Sales Training Needs. |
6 | Role of an Area Sales Manager:-The Emerging Role of the Sales Manager, The Optimal Role of the Sales Manager, Barriers to Sales Managers Performing their Optimal Role, Reinventing the Sales Managers Role. |
7 | How Can First Line Sales Managers be more effective? – A Research Finding Report:-How to be an Effective First Line Sales Manager? , Qualities of a Successful First Line Manager, Problems Encountered by First Line Managers. |
8 | How to Build Team Spirit and Get Best Sales Performance:-Develop Team not Individual Alone, Smile within the Organisation, Sale Grid to Assess Personality, Recognize Team Destroyers and take Corrective Measures. |
9 | Sales Incentives:-Introduction, Types of Incentives, Evaluating the Incentive. |
10 | What Motivates the Indian Managers?:-Research Methodology of this Study, Factors which Motivates Indian Managers. |
11 | Job Description and Analysis of Sales and Marketing Personnel:-Job Description, Span of Control in Sales Management. |
12 | Recruiting and Selecting:-Introduction, Recruitment and Selection Process, Planning Process, Job Analysis, Job Description. |
13 A | Wave after Wave Working (WaW) – A Strategy for Increasing Sales Productivity of Field Personnel in Today’s Competitive Environment:-Brand Recall Tracking, How Field Working can Help to Improve Sales. |
13B | Consultative Selling: A Tool to Improve the Medical Representative’s Images and his Productivity:-Know More About Consultative Selling – An Emerging Tool, Techniques of Following, Consultative Selling. |
14 | Collectivism and Personal Selling in Small Business – The Case of New Zealand, Portugal and Hungary:-Introduction, Personal Selling, Personal Selling as a Promotional Tool, Personal Selling and Small Retailers, Personal Selling and Culture, The Relationships, Sample Characteristics, Results. |
15 | How UCP Pulls the Customers to Increase Sales – An Innovative Approach in Communication – An in-depth Analysis:-Introduction to the Topic on UCP, Problems in Communication, Why UCP is Important in Communication. |
16 | Impact of Positioning on Sales – Case Study of Newspapers:-General Overview: Newspaper Sector, Concept of Positioning in Selling, Leader, Challenger, Follower Concept, General Information About Newspaper Industry, How to Formulate Research Methodology? , DNA, The Indian Express, Hypothesis, Research Methodology and Sampling Design, Customer Perception, Company Communication Vis-à-vis Consumer Perception – How it Gets Distorted? , Importance of Supplements. |
17 | Emerging Role of Event Management in Pharma Marketing:-Introduction to Event Management, Organisation of Street Shows through Patient’s Awareness Programme as Event Management Tool, Organizing Health Camps, DTC Approach, Organizing Doctors Meet, Organizing a Contest for Doctors, Application of Social Marketing in Event Management, |
18 | Are Standards of Medical Representative Really Falling?:- Reasons of Falling Standards of Sales Personnel, Areas of Deterioration |
19 | Negotiation – How it can be Taught Effectively to Students:-Introduction, Literature Review, Results and Discussion. |
Principles and Practices of Banking- Paper 1st
Financial Services- Paper 2nd
Curriculum of Principles and Practices of Banking- Paper1st ( BIBM – E1017)
S.No. |
Topics |
1 |
Banks:– Meaning, Nature, Characteristic of Indian Banking System, Functions of Commercial Banks – Primary Functions; Secondary Functions; Agency Functions and Utility Functions, Role of Banks in The Development of Economy (Financial Inclusion) |
2 |
Indian Banking System:- History, Classification and Present Scenario, Reserve Bank of India: Role and Functions, Techniques of Credit Control. |
3 |
Credit Creation:- Meaning Process, Limitation of Credit Creation. |
4 |
Banker Customer Relationships:- Various Types of Relationships, KYC Norms, Special Types of Accounts, Mandate and Power of Attorney, Banker’s Lien, Right of Set off, Garnishee Order and Attachment Order. |
5 |
Type of Deposit Account:- Process of Opening Bank Accounts, Pay in Slip, Cheque Book, Pass Book, ATM Cum Debit Card, Credit Card, Advantages of Bank Account, No Frill Account, Loan and Advances: Introduction, Classification of Loans, Principles of Good Lending, Loan Procedure followed by Banks, Evaluating Consumer and Commercial Loans. |
6 |
Banking Systems:- Corporate Banking, Retail Banking and Merchant Banking, Treasury Management, Cash Management System: Concept of Cash Management Services for Corporate Entity. |
7 |
Negotiable Instruments:- Definition and Features of Cheques, Bills of Exchange, Promissory Note, Holder, Holder In Due Course, Paying Banker & Collecting Banker: Right & Liabilities, Reasons for Dishonour of Cheques, Crossing of Cheques, Endorsement of a Cheque. |
8 |
Banking Sector Reforms:- Liberalization of Banking Sector, Narsimham Committee-1st And 2ndGeneration Reforms, Capital Adequacy: Base II Norms (New Capital Adequacy Frame Work) |
9 |
Non Performing assets (NPA’s):- Introduction, Classification of NPA’s, Provisions for NPAs, Management of NPA’s. |
10 |
Core Banking Solution, RTGS, NEFT, EFT, ALM, AML. E-Banking: Introduction of E-Banking, E-Cheques, Advantages and Disadvantages of E-Banking Cheque Truncation, Mergers of Banks, Global Banking Activities. |
Curriculum of Financial Services- Paper 2nd ( BIBM – E 1018)
S.No. |
Topics |
1 |
Financial Services :- Meaning, Types, And Their Importance |
2 |
Merchant Banking :-Origin And Development Of Merchant Banking In India Scope, Organizational Aspects And Importance of Merchant Bankers, Latest Guidelines of SEBI w.r.t. Merchant Bankers. |
3 |
Mutual Funds and AMCs :-Concept, Origin And Growth Of Mutual Funds, Constitution & Management of MFs – Sponsors, Trustees, AMCs, and Custodians. Classification of Mutual Fund Schemes, Advantages And Disadvantages In Mutual Fund Schemes, NAV and Pricing of Mutual Fund Units. State of Mutual Funds In India. |
4 |
Leasing :- Concept and Development of Leasing, Business Difference Between Leasing & Hire Purchase, Types of Leasing Business, Advantages To Lessor and Lessee. |
5 |
Factoring :-Development of Factoring Types & Importance, Procedural Aspects In Factoring, Financial Aspects, Prospects of Factoring in India. |
6 |
Plastic Money :- Concept and Different Forms of Plastic Money – credit and debit cards, Pros and Cons. Credit Process followed by Credit Card Organizations. Factors Affecting Utilisation of Plastic Money in India. |
7 |
Credit Rating :- The Concept and Objective of Credit Rating, Various Credit Rating Agencies in India and International Credit Rating Agencies, Factors Affecting Credit Rating & Procedural Aspects. |
8 |
Venture Capital :-Concepts and Characteristics of Venture Capital, Venture Capital in India, Guidelines for Venture Capital. |
9 |
Call Money Market:-Introduction, Meaning, Participation, Location, Volume of Call Loans, Call Rates, Recent Developments. Treasury bill Market:-Introduction, 91 Days, 182 Days Treasury Bill Market. Commercial Bill Market:- Introduction, Bills of Exchange, Size of Market, Schemes, Rates, Factors behind Underdevelopment. Market for CPs and CDs:- Introduction, Interest Rate Determination, Discount Market and Market for Financial Guarantees. |
10 |
Depository :-Introduction, Concept, Depository Participants, Functioning of Depository Systems, Demat, Remat, Process of Switching Over to Depository Systems, Benefits, Depository Systems in India, SEBI Regulation. |
Retail Management- Paper 1st
Consumer Behaviour- Paper 2nd
Curriculum of Retail Management- Paper 1st (BIBM- E1069)
S.No. |
Topics |
1 |
Introduction:-Aims & Outcome, Retail Ethics, Retail Manpower Planning, Marketing & Advertising, Supply Chain Management, Logistics & Distribution, E-Commerce & IT, Financial & Accounting, Situation Analysis, Five-Force Model, Boston Consultancy Group, GE Model, The Retail Mix, Emergent Strategy versus Planned Strategy, Management Game1, Planning Merchandise Quality, Retail Site Selection. |
2 |
Retail Operating Plan:-Aims & Outcome, Restaurant Concept Statement, Personnel Utilization, Service Provision at Retail Outlets, Franchise Operations, Crisis Management/Loss Prevention, Retail Type Selection, Critical Success Factors-CSF in Retail, Skills Areas, Strengthening Team Efforts. |
3 |
Locating New Customers:-Aims & Objectives, Prospect Identification, Planning Sales Calls, Establishing the Call Objectives, Call Plan Verification, Sales Presentation, Feature Benefit Worksheet, Price Objection, Call Closing, Timing, Departure, Post-Call Analysis, Analyzing Product for Sale Movers, The 4 Column Situation and Correction Analysis, Multiple Analyses of Products, Prospect’s Basic Needs and Desires, The Mood and Manner Mover, Types of Calls and Objectives of the Calls, Partly Created Sales, The Difference Between Unfavourable Conditions and Poor Quality and Loss Movers. |
4 |
Retail Brand Management:-Aims & Objectives, Sales Push, Sales Pull, First Level Structure, Second Level Structure, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, The Benefit Story, Brand Functions. |
5 |
Strategic Human Resource Management in Retail:-Aims & Outcomes, Managing Retail Force, Case-Banking Retail, The Process of Human Resource Management in Retailing, Planning, Need for Qualified and Trained Manpower, Sales and Sales-Related Jobs, Store Operations, Store Management, Marketing/Advertising, Distribution, Logistics, Supply Chain Management, Merchandise Buying/Planning, IT and E-Commerce, Finance, Loss Prevention, Human Resources, Entrepreneurship, Critical Success factors in Retail Trade, Upgrade the Old Product, New Product for the Firm, New Product in the Market. |
6 |
Retail Specifies:-Retail Buildings, Products, Customer Demand Planning, Product Mix, Retail Plans, Retail Pricing, Promotion Planning. |
7 |
External Business Environment:-Aims & Outcomes, Business General Environment, Market Segmentation, The Retail Marketing Function, Competitive Advantage and Competitive Strategies, Development of Marketing and Positioning Strategies, Retail Positioning, Implementation and Control. |
8 |
Motivating Retail-Critical Success Factors:-Aims & Outcomes, Retail Operations, Budgeting. |
9 |
Merchandising and Inventory Planning for Retail:-Aims & Outcomes, Visual Merchandising, Retail Visual Merchandising, Merchandising and Retail Marketing, Career-Opportunities, Inventory Planning, Statistical Method of Demand, Inventory Costs, Inventory Control, Basic Inventory Model. |
10 |
Retail Pricing Strategies:-Aims & Outcomes, Book Industry, Two Bar Codes in One. |
11 |
Retail Economics Worldwide and Competitive Advantage on e-Retailing:-Aims & Outcomes, Retail Trade, Strategy for the Net, e-Retailing. |
12 |
Purchase, Stores, Inventory and Logistics in Retail Management:-Aims & Outcomes, Inventory, Simple Vendor Rating System, Economic Order Quantity, Computer-based Purchase Management System, Purchase Order Maintenance, Departmental Responsibility, Purchase Order and payment Management Challenges, Solution, Purchase Plan and Process, Inventory Planning Basics, Logistics Planning, Layouts of Stores, Grid. |
13 |
Strategies for Retail Advertising, Promotion and PR:-Aims & Outcomes, Personal Selling, Wide Market Coverage, Objectives of Advertising, Sales Promotion. |
14 |
Marketing Research:-Aims & Outcomes, Marketing Research Objectives, Data Processing and Analysis, Advertising Research and DAGMAR, Market Conscience. |
15 |
Consumer Behaviour and Market Segmentation:-Aims & Outcomes, Habitual Buying Behaviour, Sources of Information, Questions. |
16 |
Comprehensive Retail Strategy:-Aims & Outcomes, Financial Analysis, Income and Balance Sheet, Business Audit Checklist, Capital and Working Capital, Management Team. |
Curriculum of Consumer Behaviour – Paper 2nd (BIBM- E1070)
S.No. |
Topics |
1 |
Consumer Behaviour:-Introduction, Market Analysis. |
2 |
Factors Influencing Consumer Behaviour:-Introduction, Individual Determinants, External Environmental Factors Affecting Consumer Behavior. |
3 |
Models of Consumer Behaviour:-Introduction, A Model of Industrial Buyer Behaviour. |
4 |
Concept of Culture:-Concept & Characteristics of Culture, The Functions of Culture, Environment Oriented Values, Self-Oriented Values. |
5 |
Culture Variations in Non-Verbal Communications:-Variables in non-verbal communication, Cultural Values, Marketing Implication of Culture. |
6 |
Social Stratification:-What is a Social Class, Social Classes and their Buying Patterns. |
7 |
Group Influences on Consumer Behaviour:-Introduction, Reference Groups and the Influence Exerted by Them, Factors Affecting the Influences of Reference Groups, The Nature of Reference Group Influences on Products and Services, Characteristics of Opinion Leaders. |
8 |
Individual Determinants:-Perception, Learning Memory and Product Positioning, Memory. |
9 |
Motivation and Personality:-Introduction, Marketing Strategies Based on Motivation, Self Concept. |
10 |
Problem Recognition:-Stages in Consumer Decision Making, Importance of Problem Recognition, Marketing Strategy for Problem Recognition. |
11 |
Information Search:-Introduction, Types of Information Search, Sources of Information, High & Low Information Search, Cost vs Benefit Analysis. |
12 |
Outlet Selection and Purchase:-Importance & Dimensions of the Outlet, Consumer Characteristics & Risks Involved, Shopping Orientation . |
13 |
Attitude Development and Alternate Evaluation in Buying:-Consumer Attitude and Alternative Evaluation, Multi-Attribute Choice Models. |
14 |
Purchase Behaviour (Situational Factors):-Introduction, Basic Situational Factors, Significance of Non Store Buying. |
15 |
Post Purchase Behaviour:-Introduction, role of a Marketer, Product v/s Service Consumption. |
16 |
Family Buying Influences, Family Life Cycle and Buying Roles:-Family Life Cycle and Buying Roles, Consumption Decision and Household Influence, Family Decision Stages. |
17 |
Lifestyle:-Lifestyles and their Characteristics, VALS Lifestyles Classification, Segmentation Strategies. |
18 |
Diffusion of Innovation:-Diffusion and its Process, Types of Innovation, Classification of Adopters, Diffusion Enhancement Strategies. |
19 |
Organizational Buying Behaviour:-Characteristics of Organisational Buying, Factors Influencing Organisational Buying, Selection of a Supplier. |
20 |
Customer Delight:-Need for Delight, Correlate Expectation and Delight. |
21 |
Public Policy and Consumer Protection:-Need for Consumer Protection, Consumer Rights. |
22 |
E-Consumer Behaviour:-The Computer Age, E-Business and its Importance, WWW & its advantages. |
23 |
Consumer Research:-Importance of Consumer Research, Steps Involved in Consumer Research, Sources of Data. |
24 |
Changing Consumer Behaviour:-In the Indian Context. |
System Management- Paper 1st
Operating Systems- Paper 2nd
Curriculum of System Management- Paper 1st (BIBM- E1079)
S.No. |
Topics |
1 |
Information and Management:-Types of Information, Why do We Need a Computer-Based Information System?, Management Structure, Management and Information Requirements, Qualities of Information. |
2 |
Examples of Information Systems:–Various Functions in Organizations, Computer Infrastructure in Organizations, Information Processing for a Store-An Overview, Varieties of Information Systems. |
3 |
Information System Analysis Overview:-Overview of Design of an Information System, The Role and Tasks of a Systems Analyst, Attributes of a Systems Analyst, Tools Used by Systems Analyst, Approaches to Systems Development. |
4 |
Information Gathering:-Strategy to Gather Information, Information Sources, Methods of Searching for Information, Interviewing Technique, Questionnaires, Other Methods of Information Search. |
5 |
System Requirements Specification:-System Requirements Specification: Example, Data Requirements, Steps in System Analysis, Modularizing Requirements Specifications. |
6 |
Feasibility Analysis:-Deciding on Project Goals, Examining Alternative Solutions, Evaluating Proposed Solution, Cost-benefit Analysis, Payback Period, Feasibility Report, System Proposal. |
7 |
Data Flow Diagrams:-System Used in DFDs, Describing a System with a DFD, Good Conventions in Developing DFDs, Leveling of DFDs, Logical and Physical DFDs. |
8 |
Process Specifications:–Process Specification Methods, Structured English, Some Example of Process Specification. |
9 |
Decision Tables:-Decision Table Terminology and Development, Extended Entry Decision Tables, Establishing the Logical Correctness of Decision Tables, Use of Karnaugh Maps to Detect Logical Errors in Decision Tables, Eliminating Redundant Specifications. |
10 |
Use Case Method:-What is a Use Case?, Use Case Examples, Use Case Diagrams, Use Case Example-Automated Teller Machine (ATM), Stick Diagrams for ATM, Testing with Use Cases. |
11 |
Logical Database Design:-Entity Relationship Model, Relationship Cardinality and Participation, Relations, Normalizing Relations, Why do we Normalize a Relations?, Second Normal Form Relation, Third Normal Form, Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF), Fourth and Fifth Normal Forms, Some Example of Database Design. |
12 |
Database Management System (DBMS):-Problem with File-Based Systems, Database and Database Management Systems, Objectives of Database Management, Overview of Database Management Systems, Query Language, Database Administrator, Database Design. |
13 |
Object-Oriented System Modelling:-Objects and Their Properties, Implementation of Classes, Identifying Objects in an Association, Modeling Systems with Objects. |
14 |
Data Input Methods:-Data Inputs, Coding Techniques, Detection of Error in Codes, Validating Input Data, Interactive Data Input. |
15 |
Designing Outputs:-Output Devices, Objectives of Output Design, Design of Output Reports, Design of Screens, Use of Business Graphics. |
16 |
Control, Audit and Security of Information Systems:-Control in Information Systems, Audit of Information Systems, Testing of Information Systems, Security of Information Systems. |
17 |
Electronic Commerce:-What is e-Commerce?, Advantages and Disadvantages of e-Commerce, e-Commerce System Architecture, Electronic Data Interchange, Security in e-Commerce, Electronic Payment Systems. |
18 |
System Design Example:-A System for Journal Acquisition, Documents and Data Flow Diagram, Feasibility of the System, System Specification, Database Design, Control, Audit and Test Plan, Implementation Plan. |
Curriculum of Operating Systems- Paper 2nd (BIBM- E1080)
S.No. |
Topics |
1 |
Operating Systems: An Overview:-Introduction, An Overview of Operating Systems, Operating System Components, Input/ Output Hardware, Application Input/Output Interfaces, Operating System Services, Kernel Subsystems, Transforming Input/Output Requests to Hardware Operation, Streams, Distributed Operating Systems, Special Purpose Operating Systems, System Calls, System Structure, System Design and Implementation, System Programs, Virtual Machines, Evolution of Operating Systems, Attributes of Unix Operating System, Attributes of Linux Operating System, The Android Operating System, The Mac Operating System, The Tablet Computer. |
2 |
Process Management:-Introduction, Process States, Process Control Block, Process Scheduling, Types of Schedulers, Context Switch, Operations on Process, Cooperating Processes, CPU Scheduling, Threads and Thread Structures, Multiprocessor Systems, Thread System Calls, Scheduling Algorithms, Thread Scheduling, Evaluation of Scheduling Algorithms.. |
3 |
Concurrency and Process Synchronisation:-Introduction, The Critical-Section Problem, Semaphores, Classical Problems of Synchronisation, Critical Regions, Message Passing, Transactions. |
4 |
Deadlocks:-Introduction, Deadlock Handling. |
5 |
Memory Management:-Introduction, Memory Partitioning, Multiple Partitioning, Processes and Main Memory Allocation, Buddy Systems, Contiguous Allocation, Paging, Page Table and Hardware Support, Segmentation, Virtual Memory, Demand Paging, Paging and Page Replacements Algorithms, Thrashing, Demand Segmentation, Multics. |
6 |
File System Interface and Implementation:-Introduction, Concept of a File, File Access Methods, Directory Structure, Protection, File System Implementation, File Alocation Methods, File Space Management, Directory Implementation, Efficiency, Performance. |
7 |
Protection and Security:-Protection, Security. |
8 |
Distribution Systems:-Introduction, Structure of a Network, Structure of a Distributed System, Distributed File System, Case Studies, Operating System Support for Multimedia. |
Telecommunications Essentials- Paper 1st
Telecom Technologies – Paper 2nd
Curriculum of Telecommunications Essentials- Paper 1st (BIBM- E1083)
S.No. |
Topics |
1 |
An Overview of Telecommunications:–Objectives, Introduction, What is Telecommunication, History of Telecommunications, Telecommunications Networks, Internet, Classification of Data Networks, Telecommunications Standards, Challenges of Telecommunication Technologies, Careers in Telecommunications. |
2 |
Electronics for Telecommunications:-Objectives, Introduction, Communications System Parameters, Modulation, Multiplexing. |
3 |
Transmission Media:-Objectives, Introduction, Copper cables, Copper Versus Fiber, Fiber-Optic Cables, Cabling Architecture. |
4 |
Voice Communications:-Objectives, Introduction, Public Telephone network, The Telephone, Line Signaling, Intelligent Network (IN) Services, Business Telephone Systems, Network Design Parameters, Converged Networks. |
5 |
Wireless Communications:-Objectives, Introduction, Cellular Mobile Telephone Systems, Analog Versus Digital Access, Wireless Applications and Products, Wireless LANs (WLANs), Satellite Communications, International Wireless Communications. |
6 |
Data Communications:-Objectives, Introduction, Evolution of Data Networks, Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) Model, Character Codes, Data Encoding Methods, Error Detection and Correction, data Link Protocols, LAN Access methods, LAN Technologies, LAN Configurations, Internetworking. |
7 |
Wide Area Network and Broadband Technologies:-Objectives, Introduction, Packing Switching Networks, Frame Relay, Switched Multimegabit Data Service (SMDS), Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN), Synchronous Optical Network (SONET), Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), Packet Over Sonet (PoS), Dynamic Synchronous Transfer Mode (DTM), Residential or Small Business Access Technologies. |
8 |
Internet and Converged Networks:-Objectives, Introduction, TCP/IP Model, TCP via Satellite, Internet2(12), SNA versus TCP/IP, Virtual Private Network (VPN), Intranet and Extranet, Converged Networks, Voice Over IP(VoIP), Multimedia over IP Protocols, data Compression. |
9 |
Network Management:-Objectives, Introduction, Policy Management, Evaluation of Hardware and Software, Network Administration and Maintenance, Network Security, Configuration Management, Network Applications and Services, Telecommunications Management Network. |
10 |
Telecom Policy and Business Contracts:-Objectives, Introduction, telecommunications Act of 1996, Regulation on Electronic Documents, Intellectual Property, Telecom policy Impact on Businesses, Electronic Commerce, Service Level Agreement (SLA), total Cost of Ownership (TCO). |
Curriculum of Telecom Technologies – Paper 2nd (BIBM- E1084)
S.No. |
Topics |
1 |
Introduction:-Evolution of Telecommunications, Simple Telephone Communication, Basics of a Switching System, Switching System Parameters, Components of a Switching System, Manual Switching System, Trends in Telecommunications, Standardisation in Telecommunications. |
2 |
Strowger Switching Systems:-Rotary Dial Telephone, Signaling Tones, Strowger Switching Components, Step-by-Step Switching, Control in Strowger Switch, 100-Line Folded Switch, 100-Line Folded Switch, 10,000-Line Exchange. |
3 |
Crossbar Switching:-Principles of Common Control, Touch Tone Dial Telephone, Principles of Crossbar Switching, Crossbar Switch Configurations, Crossbar Technology, Crossbar Exchange Organisation. |
4 |
Electronic Space Division Switching:-Stored Program Control, Centralised SPC, Distributed SPC, Software Architecture, Application Software, Enhanced Services, Multi-stage Switches. |
5 |
Speech Digitisation and Transmission:-Sampling, Quantisation and Binary Coding, Quantisation Noise, Companding, Differential Coding, Vocoders, Pulse Transmission, Line Coding, Time Division Multiplexing. |
6 |
Time Division Switching:-Basic Time Division Space Switching, Basic Time Division Time Switching, Time Multiplexed Space Switching, Time Multiplexed Time Switching, Combination Switching, Three-Stage Combination Switching, n-Stage Combination Switching. |
7 |
Optical Fibre Systems:-Types of Optical Fibres, Fibre Optic Transmission, Optical Sources, Optical Detectors, Power Budget Analysis, Telecommunication Applications, Synchronous Optical Network (SONET), Wavelength Division Multiplexing. |
8 |
Traffic Engineering:-Network Traffic Load and Parameters, Grade of Service and Blocking Probability, Modeling Switching Systems, Incoming Traffic and Service Time Characterisation, Blocking Models and Loss Estimates, Delay Systems. |
9 |
Telephone Networks:-Subscriber Loop Systems, Switching Hierarchy and Routing, Transmission Plan, Transmission Systems, Numbering Plan, Charging Plan, Signalling Techniques, Inchannel Signalling, Common Channel Signalling. |
10 |
Data Networks:-Data Transmission in PSTNs, Switching Techniques for Data Transmission, Data Communication Architecture, Link-to-Link Layers, End-to-End Layers, Satellite Based Data Networks, Local Area Networks, Metropolitan Area Networks, Fibre Optic Networks, Data Network Standards, Protocol Stacks, Internetworking. |
11 |
Integrated Services Digital Network:-Motivation for ISDN, ISDN Services, Networks and Protocol Architecture, Transmission Channels, User-Network Interface, Signalling, Numbering and Addressing, Services Characterisation, Interworking, ISDN Standards, Expert System in ISDN, Broadband ISDN, BISDN Architecture, Voice Data Integration. |
12 |
Mobile Communication:-Wireless Channel, Two-Ray Model, Path Loss Model, Fading, Multiple Access Techniques, Cellular Communications, Co-Channel Reuse Ratio and Signal to Interference Ratio, Trunking and Grade of Service, Fade Margin Analysis, Review of Generations of Mobile Communication, Global System for Mobile (GSM). |
13 |
Satellite Communication:-Orbital Theory, Inclination and Elevation Angles, Satellite Antennas, Microwave Bands, Satellite Link Design, Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) Networks. |
System Management- Paper 1st
Operating Systems- Paper 2nd
Curriculum of System Management- Paper 1st (BIBM- E1079)
S.No. |
Topics |
1 |
Information and Management:-Types of Information, Why do We Need a Computer-Based Information System?, Management Structure, Management and Information Requirements, Qualities of Information. |
2 |
Examples of Information Systems:–Various Functions in Organizations, Computer Infrastructure in Organizations, Information Processing for a Store-An Overview, Varieties of Information Systems. |
3 |
Information System Analysis Overview:-Overview of Design of an Information System, The Role and Tasks of a Systems Analyst, Attributes of a Systems Analyst, Tools Used by Systems Analyst, Approaches to Systems Development. |
4 |
Information Gathering:-Strategy to Gather Information, Information Sources, Methods of Searching for Information, Interviewing Technique, Questionnaires, Other Methods of Information Search. |
5 |
System Requirements Specification:-System Requirements Specification: Example, Data Requirements, Steps in System Analysis, Modularizing Requirements Specifications. |
6 |
Feasibility Analysis:-Deciding on Project Goals, Examining Alternative Solutions, Evaluating Proposed Solution, Cost-benefit Analysis, Payback Period, Feasibility Report, System Proposal. |
7 |
Data Flow Diagrams:-System Used in DFDs, Describing a System with a DFD, Good Conventions in Developing DFDs, Leveling of DFDs, Logical and Physical DFDs. |
8 |
Process Specifications:–Process Specification Methods, Structured English, Some Example of Process Specification. |
9 |
Decision Tables:-Decision Table Terminology and Development, Extended Entry Decision Tables, Establishing the Logical Correctness of Decision Tables, Use of Karnaugh Maps to Detect Logical Errors in Decision Tables, Eliminating Redundant Specifications. |
10 |
Use Case Method:-What is a Use Case?, Use Case Examples, Use Case Diagrams, Use Case Example-Automated Teller Machine (ATM), Stick Diagrams for ATM, Testing with Use Cases. |
11 |
Logical Database Design:-Entity Relationship Model, Relationship Cardinality and Participation, Relations, Normalizing Relations, Why do we Normalize a Relations?, Second Normal Form Relation, Third Normal Form, Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF), Fourth and Fifth Normal Forms, Some Example of Database Design. |
12 |
Database Management System (DBMS):-Problem with File-Based Systems, Database and Database Management Systems, Objectives of Database Management, Overview of Database Management Systems, Query Language, Database Administrator, Database Design. |
13 |
Object-Oriented System Modelling:-Objects and Their Properties, Implementation of Classes, Identifying Objects in an Association, Modeling Systems with Objects. |
14 |
Data Input Methods:-Data Inputs, Coding Techniques, Detection of Error in Codes, Validating Input Data, Interactive Data Input. |
15 |
Designing Outputs:-Output Devices, Objectives of Output Design, Design of Output Reports, Design of Screens, Use of Business Graphics. |
16 |
Control, Audit and Security of Information Systems:-Control in Information Systems, Audit of Information Systems, Testing of Information Systems, Security of Information Systems. |
17 |
Electronic Commerce:-What is e-Commerce?, Advantages and Disadvantages of e-Commerce, e-Commerce System Architecture, Electronic Data Interchange, Security in e-Commerce, Electronic Payment Systems. |
18 |
System Design Example:-A System for Journal Acquisition, Documents and Data Flow Diagram, Feasibility of the System, System Specification, Database Design, Control, Audit and Test Plan, Implementation Plan. |
Curriculum of Operating Systems- Paper 2nd (BIBM- E1080)
S.No. |
Topics |
1 |
Operating Systems: An Overview:-Introduction, An Overview of Operating Systems, Operating System Components, Input/ Output Hardware, Application Input/Output Interfaces, Operating System Services, Kernel Subsystems, Transforming Input/Output Requests to Hardware Operation, Streams, Distributed Operating Systems, Special Purpose Operating Systems, System Calls, System Structure, System Design and Implementation, System Programs, Virtual Machines, Evolution of Operating Systems, Attributes of Unix Operating System, Attributes of Linux Operating System, The Android Operating System, The Mac Operating System, The Tablet Computer. |
2 |
Process Management:-Introduction, Process States, Process Control Block, Process Scheduling, Types of Schedulers, Context Switch, Operations on Process, Cooperating Processes, CPU Scheduling, Threads and Thread Structures, Multiprocessor Systems, Thread System Calls, Scheduling Algorithms, Thread Scheduling, Evaluation of Scheduling Algorithms.. |
3 |
Concurrency and Process Synchronisation:-Introduction, The Critical-Section Problem, Semaphores, Classical Problems of Synchronisation, Critical Regions, Message Passing, Transactions. |
4 |
Deadlocks:-Introduction, Deadlock Handling. |
5 |
Memory Management:-Introduction, Memory Partitioning, Multiple Partitioning, Processes and Main Memory Allocation, Buddy Systems, Contiguous Allocation, Paging, Page Table and Hardware Support, Segmentation, Virtual Memory, Demand Paging, Paging and Page Replacements Algorithms, Thrashing, Demand Segmentation, Multics. |
6 |
File System Interface and Implementation:-Introduction, Concept of a File, File Access Methods, Directory Structure, Protection, File System Implementation, File Alocation Methods, File Space Management, Directory Implementation, Efficiency, Performance. |
7 |
Protection and Security:-Protection, Security. |
8 |
Distribution Systems:-Introduction, Structure of a Network, Structure of a Distributed System, Distributed File System, Case Studies, Operating System Support for Multimedia. |
Hospital Administration- Paper 1st
Hospital Care- Paper 2nd
Curriculum of Hospital Administration- Paper 1st (BIBM- E1043)
S No. |
Topics |
1 |
Introduction:-Introduction |
2 |
Hospital Administrator:-Role and Responsibilities, Profile of an Effective Hospital Administrator. |
3 |
Managerial Skills:-Planning, Information System, Communication, Delegation, Decision Making, Monitoring and Evaluation, Managing Time, Meetings, Negotiations, Innovation. |
4 |
Hospital Organization:-Structure and Function, Hospital Committees. |
5 |
The Clinical Services:-The Medical Staff Organization. |
6 |
The Nursing Services:-Nursing Service. |
7 |
Specialized Service Areas:-Casualty Services, Disaster: Be prepared, Outpatient Services, Day Care, The Operating Department, Diagnostic Services, Medical Records, Pharmacy. |
8 |
Human Resources:-Personnel, Performance Appraisal System |
9 |
Materials Management:-Materials Management. |
10 |
Finances:-Finances, Activity Based Costing in Hospitals. |
11 |
Quality Assurance:-Quality Management in our Hospitals, Quality Management Programs: Techniques and Tools. |
12 |
Infection Control:-Control of Hospital Acquired Infection. |
13 |
Ethics and Law:-Ethics, Law Applicable to Hospitals, Consumer Protection Act,1986. |
14 |
India’s Health Policy:-Hospitals in the Framework of India’s Health Policy |
Curriculum of Hospital Care- Paper 2nd (BIBM- E1044)
S No. |
Topics |
1 |
Quality in Health Care:-Structure, Process, Outcome. |
2 |
Total Quality Management:-Evidence of Quality Problems, Quality Assurance Approach, Total Quality Management. |
3 |
Tools of Quality Management:-Technical Tools, Nominal Group Technique, Clinical Guidelines. |
4 |
Indicator in Quality Improvement |
5 |
Hospital Accreditation:-Models of accreditation, Patient-centered standards, Health care Organization Management Standards, Accreditation of Health Services in India, National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Health Care Providers. |
6 |
Rights of the Patients |
7 |
Quality in Laboratories:-Quality Assurance Activities, Safety in Laboratories. |
8 |
Marketing and Quality:-Marketing, Branding, Quality Matters |
9 |
Evaluation:-Evaluation Design. |
10 |
Developing Practices for Safety:-Risk Management. |
11 |
Health Care Financing:-Health Care, Reimbursement, Slowing growth of Health Care Costs. |
12 |
Private-Public Partnerships in Health Care:-Private partner Selection and Obligations of the Partners, Quality of Services. |
13 |
Indian Public Health Standards for district Hospitals:-Grading of District Hospitals, Essential Services, Diagnostic Services. |
14 |
Important Legislations:-The Right to Information Act, The Parental Diagonistic Techniques Act,1994, Transplantation of Human Organs Act 1994, Biomedical Waste Management and Handling Rules, 1998, MTP Act, 1971 and MTP(Amendment) Act, 2002, The Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 with the drugs, Cosmetics Act, 1995 and the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules,1945, The Consumer Protection Act,1986, Disaster Management Act. |
15 |
Hospital Architecture:-Patient Focused Hospitals, Hospital Design and Safety, Design for Adaptability, Security Concerns, Green Building, Seismic Design. |
16 |
Hospital Infection Control Measures:-Infection Control Committee, Surveillance for Hospital Associated Infections, Isolation Practices, Disinfection. |
17 |
Digital Hospital:-Benefits of Digitalization, How Secure is Digital Hospital? |
18 |
Making Most of Manpower:-Job Performance, Observation, Interview, Critical Incident, Questionnaires. |
19 |
Managing Organizations:-Leadership Skills, Leadership Styles, Delegation, Management by Objectives, Unionization, Management of Change, Typology of Change, Managing the Environment of Change, Facilitation of Change, Communications about Change, Stress Management, Decision Making. |
20 |
Violence in Hospitals:-Risk Factors, Violence Prevention Program, Proactive Security Departments. |
21 |
Utilization of Operation Theater:-Utilization Analysis, Scheduling Strategy. |
22 |
Crisis Management in Hospital:-Human Resources, Logistics and Supplies, Communication. |
23 |
Drug Utilization:-Units of Measurement for Drug Utilization, Prescription Register. |
International Business Management- Paper 1st
Global Marketing Management- Paper 2nd
Curriculum of International Business Management- Paper 1st (BIBM – E1015)
S.No. |
Topics |
1 |
International Business:-International Business, International Business in India, History of International Business, Reasons for Foreign Entry, Patterns of International Business, Foreign Direct Investment. |
2 |
Multinational Corporations:-Multinational Corporations, Evolution of Multinational Corporation, Organization Design and Structure of International Corporation, Comparison amongst IC, MNC, GC and TNC, Market Imperfections, Business Environmental Analysis, External Influence on International Business. |
3 |
International Business Strategy:-Introduction, Internationalization, Management Philosophies, International Marketing Strategy. |
4 |
Product:-Local, National, International and Global, The Qualities of a Global Brand, Global Product Positioning, New Products in Global Marketing, International Product Strategies. |
5 |
Pricing:-Basic Pricing Concepts, Global Pricing Strategies. |
6 |
Distribution and Promotion: –Advertising Appeals and Product, The Growing Role of Public Relations in Global Marketing Communications, Personal Selling, Sales Promotion, Direct Marketing, Trade Shows and Exhibitions, Sponsorship Promotion, Global E-Marketing. |
7 |
Introduction to International Financial Management:-Financial Environment, Currency Terminology, Globalization of Financial Market, Recent Changes in International Financial Market, Balance of Payments, Balance of Trade (BOT), Foreign Exchange Market, Economic Theories of Exchange Rate Determination, Exchange Rate Forecasting, Foreign Exchange Risk. |
8 |
International Cash Management:-Cash Management in Multinational Corporations, Centralized Cash Management System, Advantages of Centralized Cash Management System, Problems Involved in the Centralized Cash Management System, Practical Issues in Cash Management. |
9 |
Globalization and HRM:-Introduction, Staffing Policy, International Labour Relations, Performance Appraisal, Compensation. |
10 |
Cultural, Legal and Political Business Environment:-Cultural Environment, Legal Environment, Political Environment, Economic Environment |
Curriculum of Global Marketing Management- Paper 2nd (BIBM – E1016)
S.No. |
Topics |
1 |
Global Marketing Management:-National & Global Marketing-Barriers in Global Marketing Management-5P’s in Global Marketing. |
2 |
Managing Marketing- Defining Customer Value and Satisfaction:-Retaining Customer Value and Satisfaction-Implementing Total Quality Marketing-Competitive Marketing Strategies. |
3 |
Marketing Mix-Product Mix:—Product Strategies and Product Planning-Branding and Packaging Decisions-Pricing Strategies-Promotional Strategies. Distribution-Distribution Strategies. |
4 |
Globalization and Global Competitiveness:- Meaning-Stages-Foreign Market Entry Strategies-Pros and Cons of Globalization-Social Issues-Indicators of Competitiveness-Competitive Advantage of Nations-Technology and Global Competitiveness. |
5 |
Information Technolgy:- New Information Technologies-Business Process Re-engineering (BPR)-E-Business;Future of Global Business. |
Supply Chain Management- Paper 1st
Statistical Quality Control- Paper 2nd
Curriculum of Supply Chain Management- Paper 1st (BIBM – E1023)
S.No. |
Topics |
1 |
Introduction to Operations Management:–Basic Concepts of Operations Management, Transformation Approach, Relevance of OM to Service Sector, Brief History of OM, Current Status of Operations Management, Current Issues Facing Operations Management. |
2 |
Operations Strategy and Competitiveness:-Managing Strategy, Concept of Operations Strategy, Relationship Between the Different Value Elements, Competitive Dimensions of Operations Strategy, Richardson, Taylor and Gordon Framework, Strategic Fit (Fitting Operational Activities to Business Strategy), Implementing Strategy. |
3 |
Understanding Supply Chain Management:-Concept of Basic Definition of Supply Chain, Need for Supply Chain Management, Scope of Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Orientation, Achieving Strategic Fit and Understanding Implied Uncertainty, Supply Chain Drivers, Supply Chain Obstacles. |
4 |
Supply Chain Network:-Concept of Supply Chain Network, Cross Docking, Facility Location Models. |
5 |
Forecasting in Supply Chain Management:-Demand Planning and Forecasting, Developing a Model, Different Types of Forecasting Techniques, IT-Based Models, Quantitative Methods, Methods Used to Determine Accuracy of Forecast, Forecast Control. |
6 |
Inventory Control:-Average Inventory, Types of Inventory Costs, Inventory Metrics, Inventory Measures, Basic Concept of EOQ, Lot Size Determination, Economic Order Quantity, Principle of Aggregation, Advanced Deterministic EOQ Models, EPQ and Fixed-Time Period Models, Lead Time Uncertainty and Product Availability. |
7 |
Sourcing Decision and Vendor Selection:-Outsourcing and Sourcing, Sourcing Decisions, Sourcing Strategy, Vendor Selection, Vehicle Routing and Route Sequencing. |
8 |
Bullwhip Effect:-Impact of Bullwhip Effect, Causes of Bullwhip Effect, Methods to Overcome |
Curriculum of Statistical Quality Control- Paper 2nd (BIBM – E1024)
S.No. |
Topics |
1 |
Introduction to statistical Quality Control:–Meaning, Definition and Dimension of Quality, Statistical Quality Control, Levels of understanding SQC, Importance of Statistical Quality Control. |
2 |
Control Charts:-X bar and R Charts, Analysis of the Control Chart, The Control Chart for Fraction Rejected, The Control Chart for Nonconformities. |
3 |
Fundamentals of the Theory of Probability:-meaning of Probability, Some Theorems of Theory of Probability, Universe, population and Samples, Hyper geometric Probability Distribution, Binomial Probability Distribution, Poisson Probability Distribution, Random Variable, Normal Distribution, Point Estimation, Sampling from Normal Distribution, Theory of extreme value. |
4 |
Rational Subgrouping:-subgroups, Schewhart Control Charts, Sources of Variablility, Need for discrimination in the Selection of Subgroup, Precision, Reproducibility and Accuracy of Method of Measurement. |
5 |
Statistical Analysis of Process capability and Process Improvement:-process capability, Performance Indexes, Quality by Design, Design of Experiments, Statistics and Tolerances, Experimentation, Some Special Process Control Procedures. |
6 |
Acceptance Sampling by Attributes:-Sampling, Advantages and Disadvantages of Acceptance Sampling, Lot formation, random Sampling, OC Curve, Dodge-Romig Sampling Plans, rectifying Inspection, Average outgoing Quality, Application of Acceptance Sampling. |
7 |
Other Acceptance Sampling Techniques:-Acceptance sampling by Variables, Acceptance Sampling Plans for Continuous production, Skip-Lot Sampling Plans. |
8 |
Aspects of Life Testing and Reliability:-Life Testing, Concept of Reliability, Failure Rate, Repair Rate, Common Difficulties with Reliability Data, Physical Acceleration, Common Acceleration Models. |
9 |
Aspects of Quality Decisions:-Better Decisions for Better Outcomes, Components of Sound Decisions, Why do Engineers Need to Learn about Economics?, Engineering Economic Studies, Quality & Cost Economics, Taguchi’s Loss Function. |
10 |
Significant Events in the development of Statistical Quality Control:-Quality and standardization, SQC Categorization, Quality and Productivity Awards. |
11 |
Models for Quality Management and Problem Solving:-Deming Cycle, Juran’s Aspect of Quality, Seven basic Tools of SPC. |
12 |
Systems of Chance Causes:-Common Cause and Special Cause, Correlation does not Imply Causation, Deming Red Bead Experiment. |
Subjects:- Export Import Management- Paper 1st
International Trade- Paper 2nd
Curriculum of Export Import Management – Paper 1st (BIBM-E1037) |
S.No. |
Topics |
1 |
Export-Import Trade:- Introduction to Regulatory Framework: -Trade Policy, Foreign Trade, Simplification in Documentation, Reduction of Documents to five for custom Purposes. |
2 |
Export Preliminaries:-Establishing a Business Firm. |
3 |
Documentation Framework: – Aligned Documentation System: – Aligned Documentation System(ADS), Commercial Documents, Regulatory Documents, Documents related to Goods, Documents related to Shipment, Significance of Bill of Lading, Documents Related to Payment, Documents relating to Inspection, Documents related to Excisable Goods, Documents Related to Foreign Exchange Regulations. |
4 |
International Business Contracts:-Incoterms 2000, Passing of title of goods to the Importer, Elements in Export Contracts, Legal Dimensions, Disputes Settlement, How to resolve and settle Disputes. |
5 |
Terms of Payment:-Introduction, Factors Determine Terms of Payment, Methods of receiving Payment. |
6 |
Instruments of Payment and Methods of Financing Exports:- Instrument of Payment, Pre-Shipment Finance, Post Shipment Finance. |
7 |
Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits:-Salient Provisions of UCP. |
8 |
Business Risk Coverage:-Types of Risks in International Trade, Types of Cover Issued by ECGC, Transferring Risk to Third Parties. |
9 |
Cargo Insurance:-Need for Cargo Insurance, Meaning of Cargo Insurance, When and Why to Insure, How to Insure, Scope of Cargo Insurance Policy, Types of Marine Insurance Policies, Risks not Covered by Marine Insurance, Kind of Losses. |
10 |
Foreign Exchange Regulations and Formalities:-Exchange Control, FERA; FEMA and Exchange Control Regulations, Main Provisions of FEMA. |
11 |
Quality Control and Preshipment Inspection:-Definition and Meaning of Quality Control, Mechanism for Enforcement of Quality, Objectives of Quality Control, Methods of Quality Control and Pre-shipment Inspection, Procedure for Pre-Shipment Inspection. |
12 |
Role of Clearing and Forwarding Agents:-Role of Clearing and Forwarding Agents, Essential Services, Optional Services, Fixation of Fees. |
13 |
Clearance of Cargo:-Central Excise Clearance Procedure, Central Excise Clearance Options. |
14 |
Shipment of Export Cargo:-Procedure for Shipment of Export Cargo. |
15 |
Customs Clearance of Export Cargo:-Objectives of Customs Control, Exchange Control Declaration Form, Customs Clearance of Export Shipment, Indian Customs Electronic Data Interchange System(ICES), Computerised Customs Clearance Procedure-Shipment by SEA, Comparison of Computerised Customs Clearance vs Manual Clearance, Background Note on a Common Business Identification Number. |
16 |
Customs Clearance of Import Cargo:-Types of Import, Retirement of Documents for Imports, Procedure for Customs Clearance, Indian Customs Electronic Data Interchange System for clearance of Imports. |
17 |
Negotiation of Documents with Banks:-Documents Required under Letter of Credit, When Documents Can be Negotiated, Precautions in Scrutiny of Documents, Exchange Control Guidelines, Practical Mechanism of Documentary Letter of Credit, Flow of Documents and Funds, Common Errors in Documents-Guidelines to Exporters. |
18 |
Procedures and Documentation for Availing Export Incentives:-Types of Incentives, Documentation and Procedure for Claiming Incentives, Excise Duty-Refund/Exemption, Import Licensing, Sales Tax Exemption, Income Tax Exemption, Claim for rail Freight rebate, Claim For Air Freight Assistance. |
19 |
Processing of an Export Order:-Introduction, Different Stages-Processing Export Order, Getting Export Order, Pre-shipment, Shipment, Post –shipment, Presentation of Documents for Negotiation, Export Incentives. |
20 |
World Shipping:-Distribution Logistics, Nature of Export Cargo, Modes of Transport, Structure of Shipping, Types of Ships. |
21 |
Indian Shipping:-Present status of Indian Shipping, Major Problems, Concerns and Challenges Before Indian Shipping Industry, Recent Trends of Indian Shipping, Fresh Challenges and Opportunities Ahead. |
22 |
Containerisation:-Dry Port, Multi Modal Transport Document, Containerisation, Procedure for Export/Import Through ICD, Procedure For Excise And Customs Clearances in Respect of Containers, Types of Containers, Precautions to be Taken While Using Containers, Advantages of Using Containers, Advent of Containerisation in India. |
23 |
Machinery for Consultation:-Introduction, Government Policy Making And Consultations, Institutional Framework. |
24 |
Air Transport:-Importance of Air Transport, Factors that Influence Selection in Favour of Air Transport, Factors that Increased Air Transport, Airway Bill, Liability of Airlines. |
25 |
International Set-up:-International Air Transport Association, Role of IATA, Can IATA solve Individual’s Problems. |
Curriculum of International Trade – Paper 2nd (BIBM- E1038) |
S.No. |
Topics |
1 |
International Trade: An Introduction:- Meaning of International Trade, Definitions of International Trade, Components of International Trade, International Trade and Internal Trade: A Comparative Study, Significance of International Trade, The Necessity of International Trade, Advantage of International Trade, Disadvantage of International Trade, Problems of International Trade, Measures to Overcome Problems of International Trade. |
2 |
Theories of International Trade:- Introduction, Basis of International Trade, Comparative Cost Theory, Elaboration and Refinement of the Classical Theory, Opportunity Cost Theory, Factor Endowment Theory, Heckscher-Ohlin Theorem (Modern Theory), Factor Price Equalisation Theorem, Critical Evaluation of Modern Theory, Shortcomings or Criticism of Modern Theory. |
3 |
Gains from International Trade:- Major Gains from International Trade, Determinants of Gains from International Trade, Measurement of Gains from International Trade. |
4 |
Foreign Exchange:- Meaning & Importance of Foreign Exchange, Meaning and Definitions of Foreign Exchange Rate, Types of Foreign Exchange Rates, Flexible or Floating Foreign Exchange, Advantages or Arguments in favour of Flexible or Floating Rate, Disadvantages or Arguments Against Flexible Rates, Foreign Exchange Rates, Automatic Adjustment of Rate of Exchange, Meaning of Purchasing Power Parity, Factors of Fluctuations in Exchange Rates, Difference Between Purchasing Power Parity and Classical Theory, Proofs of Validity of Purchasing Power Parity, The Purchasing Power Parity Vs. Mint Par, Rate of Exchange, Equilibrium Rate of Exchange, Functions of Foreign Exchanges Market, Foreign Exchanges Rates, Methods of Control. |
5 |
Foreign Exchange Control:- Meaning of Exchange Control, Characteristics of Exchange Control, Objectives/ Importance of Exchange Control, Problems/ Evils/ Disadvantage/ Demerits of Exchange Control, Methods of Exchange Control, Exchange Rate Systems, Exchange Rate Classifications, Convertibility of the Rupee, Difference Between Spot and Forward Exchange Rates. |
6 |
India’s Foreign Trade: At a Glance: – Introduction, Trends in India’s Foreign Trade, Trends in India’s Imports, More Imports from West Europe, Direction of India’s Foreign Trade. |
7 |
EXIM Policy of India:- New EXIM Policy of India, EXIM Policy: 2002-07: Highlights, Main Provision of EXIM Policy: 2002-07, Modifications In The New EXIM Policy, Foreign Trade Policy 2006-08, Foreign Trade Policy:2007-09, Foreign Trade Policy:2009-10. |
8 |
Export Promotion:- Introduction, Export Production, Export Finance and Credit, Export Incentives and Assistance, Export Promotion Measures, Critical Evaluation of the Measures of Export Promotion. |
9 |
Balance of Payments and Balance of Trade:- Meaning and Definitions of Balance of Payments, Characteristics of Balance of Payments, Computation of Balance of Payments, Components/ Structure/ Items of BOP, Significance of Balance of Payments, Limitations of Balance of Payments, Causes of Unfavourable Balance of Payments, Meaning and Definitions of Balance of Trade, Effects of Favourable Balance of Trade, Effects of Unfavourable Balance of Trade, Measures to Correct Adverse Balance of Payments, Forms of Kinds of Balance of Trade, Equilibrium in the Balance of Payments, Disequilibrium in Balance of Payments, Types of Disequilibrium, Causes of Disequilibrium, Correction of Balance of Payment Disequilibrium, Methods of Correcting Disequilibrium (Adverse) in BOP, Effects of Balance of Payments. |
10 |
International Liquidity:- Meaning of Liquidity, Meaning of Liquidity Preference, Meaning of Liquidity Ratio, Meaning and Definitions of International Liquidity, Sources or Components of International Liquidity, Problem of International Liquidity: Inadequacy, Reforms and Plans to Boost International Liquidity, Contents of International Liquidity, Causes of the Problem of International Liquidity, International Liquidity and Role of IMF, Special Drawings Rights (SDRs), Features or Characteristics of Special Drawing Rights, A Critical Evaluation of Special Drawing Rights, Demerits of Special Drawings Rights. |
11 |
International Monetary Fund (IMF):- An Introduction, Objectives of the IMF, Organization and Structure, Functions of the IMF, Reforms of IMF, Achievements of IMF, Short-Comings or Limitations of the IMF. |
12 |
The World Trade Organization (WTO):– Origin of WTO, Features of the WTO, Objectives of the WTO, Functions of the WTO, WTO Agreements, Basic Principles of GATS, Recommendations of WTO, India and Doha. |
13 |
Documentation in International Trade:- Introduction, Main Documents used in Export Transactions, Letter of Credit, Types of Letter of Credit, Procedures for Opening Letter of Credit, Advantages of Letter of Credit. |
Materials Management- Paper 1st
Inventory Management- Paper 2nd
Curriculum of Materials Management- Paper 1st (BIBM- E1055)
S.No. |
Topics |
1 |
Integrated Materials Management:–Importance of Materials Management, Need for Integrated Concept, Definition and Scope, Advantages in Integrated Materials Management Concept, Future. |
2 |
Corporate Policy and Materials Management:-General Corporate Policy, Scope, Make or Buy, Quality Requirements, Quantity Requirements, Cost Aspects. |
3 |
Organization and Control:-Materials Management in the Overall Company Organization, Organizing Materials Management, Organization Based on Commodities, Organization Based on Location, Organization Based on Function. Special Requirements, Inter-Departmental Relationships, Span of Control and Delegation. |
4 |
Materials Research:-Need and Importance, Definition and Scope, Organisation for Materials Research, Techniques and Reporting. |
5 |
Materials Planning and Budgeting:-Importance, Definition, Techniques, Guidelines, Budgeting. |
6 |
ABC Analysis:-What is ABC Analysis?, Advantages of ABC Analysis, Mechanics of ABC Analysis, Purpose of ABC Analysis, Objective of ABC Analysis, Limitations of ABC Analysis. |
7 |
Codification and Standardization:-Nature of Codification, Process of Codification, Kodak System, Brisch System, Advantages of Codification, Need for Standardization, Standardisation in India, Importance of Standardization, Definition, Simplification, Preferred Numbers, Benefits of Standardisation. |
8 |
Source Selection:-Why Source Selection?,Stages in Source Selection, Special Aspects in Source Selection. |
9 |
Creative Purchasing:-Importance, Goals of Purchasing, Negotiation, Purchase Budget, Bill Market Scheme. |
10 |
Purchase Systems:-Introduction, Special Purchasing Systems. |
11 |
Price Forecasting:-Importance, Approaches, Price Forecasting Techniques, Thumb Rule for Price Forecasting, Extrapolation of the Same Price Series (Time Series), Relation with Another Price Series, Control. |
12 |
Buying Seasonal Commodities:-Nature of Seasonality, Purchasing under Fluctuating Prices, Determining the Optimal Buying Strategy. |
13 |
Purchasing under Uncertainty:-Classification of Decision Problems, Uncertainty Situation, Conclusion. |
14 |
Purchasing of Capital Management:-Significant Differences, Considerations in Evaluation of Bids, Purchase of Used Equipment, Sources of Used Equipment, Drawbacks in Buying Used Equipment, Purchase V/s Lease, Role of the Purchasing Manager. |
15 |
International Purchasing:-Need, Procedure, Nature of Documents, Problems, Trading Organizations. |
16 |
Import Substitution: Prospects and Retrospects:-The Facts, The Analysis, The Agricultural Scene, The Canalized Agencies, Import Substitution-The Industrial Scene, Conclusion. |
17 |
Public Buying:-The DGS&D, Conclusion. |
18 |
Legal Aspects in Buying:–Law of Agency, Law of Contract, Conclusion. |
19 |
Insurance Buying:-Responsibilities of the Materials Manager, General Insurance Management, Aspects of insurance Management. |
20 |
Buyer-Seller Relationship and Ethics:-Need for Cordial Relations, Control in Practicing Reciprocity, Backdoor Selling, Fruitful Areas for Improvement, Importance of Public Relations, Internal Public Relations, External Public Relations, Training and Public Relations, Ethics in Buyer-Seller Relationship, Principles and Standards of Purchasing Practice, Professional Agencies and Training. |
21 |
Stores Management:-Purpose of Stores, Location and Layout, Cost Aspects and Productivity, Problems and Developments, New Development in Storing. |
22 |
Stores Systems and Procedures:-Receipt System, Physical Systems, Storing Practices, Issue Control. |
23 |
Incoming Materials Control:-Acceptance of Stores, Inspection Methods, AQL, LTPD and Risks, Rectification-AOQL, Operating Characteristic Curve (OC Curve), What Should be the Sample Size?, Military Standard 105D Plans, Dodge and Romig Plans, Bowker and Goode Plans, Choice of a Sampling Plan. |
24 |
Stores Accounting and Stock Verification:-Stores Accounting, Costing of the Receipt of Materials, Costing of the Issues to Production, Stock Verification, Periodic Verification, Continuous Verification, Process of Verification. |
25 |
Obsolete, Surplus and Scrap Management:-Definitions, Identification and Control, Disposal of Scrap. |
26 |
Value Analysis:-Origin, Definition and Scope, What is Value?, Selection of Products for Value Analysis, Value Analysis Framework, Implementation and Methodology, Implementation and the Job Plan, Organization for Value Analysis, Value Analysis by Matrix Systems. |
27 |
Material Handling:-Influencing Factors and Control, Equipment, Guidelines, Evaluation of Material Handling. |
28 |
Transportation and Traffic Management:-Importance, Transport by Shipping. |
29 |
Inventory Management in India:-Introduction, Raw Material, WIP, Finished Goods, Norms for Inventory, Peculiarities in India, Relevant Costs. |
30 |
Economical Ordering Quantity:-Static-Risk Model, Dynamic-Certain (EOQ) Model, Cost-Sensitivity Analysis, Importance of EOQ, Economic Purchase Quantity, Dynamic Risk. |
31 |
Practical Inventory Systems:-System Design, Safety Stock, Q-System, P-System, (S, S) System/Optional Replenishment System. |
32 |
OR Techniques in Materials Management:-What is OR?, Linear Programming for Stock Allocation, Solution to the Transportation Problem, Test for Optimality, Learning Curve for Negotiations, Using and Determining the Learning Curve Parameter, Delphi Concept for Futurology. |
33 |
Role of PERT in Materials Management:-What is PERT?. |
34 |
Computers in Materials Management:-Electronic Computer, Integrated Computer System for Materials Management, Materials Planning, Purchasing and Inventory Management, Operational and Exceptional Reports, Conclusion. |
35 |
Evaluation of Materials Management:-Organisation, Difficulties, Process and Criteria, Reporting, Purchasing. |
Curriculum of Inventory Management – Paper 2nd (BIBM- E1056)
S.No. |
Topics |
1 |
Need for Inventory Management:-Inventory Management, Objectives of Inventory Management, Role of Inventories in Profits. |
2 |
Costs Associated with Inventories:-Economic Order Quantity, Activity Based Costing/ Activity Based Management, Total Cost Concept. |
3 |
Classification of Inventories:-Inventory Catalogue, Classification of Inventory, Matrices. |
4 |
Inventory Control Techniques-I:-Items Reducing Techniques. |
5 |
Inventory Control Techniques-II:–Safety Stocks, Service Level. |
6 |
Forecasting:-Steps in Forecasting, Types of Forecasting, Demand Forecasting, Forecasting Techniques. |
7 |
Materials Requirement Planning:-The MRP Process, Time Phasing Aspect of MRP, Supplier Scheduling. |
8 |
Manufacturing Resource Planning:-MRP-II Process, Benefits of MRP-II Implementation, Distribution Resource Planning & Distribution, Requirement Planning-II. |
9 |
JIT:– JIT Process, The Kanban System, Different B/w Kanban and MRP Systems, The Toyata Production System, Kanban System in Just-in-Time Production, Kanban, JIDOKA-Building Quality into Production Processes, The Information System b/w Toyota, Its Dealers, and Parts Manufactures. |
10 |
Total Quality Management (TQM):-Principles of TQM, The Concept of Continuous Improvement by TQM, Deming’s 14 Points, PDCA Cycle for TQM Process Improvement and Problem Solving, Quality Improvement vs. Quality Assurance, Role of Purchasing and Supply Management in Quality Management, Glossary of Quality Improvement Terms Six Sigma, Six Sigma Themes |
11 |
Surplus, Obsolete and Non-Moving Inventory:-Surplus, Scrap, Non-Moving, Recycling, Disposal of Scrap, Surplus and Non-Moving Inventory. |
12 |
Work in Process (WIP) Inventory:-Costing, Methods to Control WIP. |
13 |
Finished Goods Inventory:-Factors Influencing Finished Goods, Inventory, Control Measures. |
14 |
Spares Parts Inventory Management:-Special Features of Spares, Factors Influencing Stocking of Spares, Classification of Spares, Steps for Management of Spare Parts. |
15 |
Logistics and Supply Chain Management:-Logistics Management, Supply Chain Management (SCM), Evaluation of Supply Chain Performance. |
16 |
Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI):-Advantages of Vendor Managed Inventory, Other Forms of Inventory with Suppliers. |
17 |
Stores Managements:-Activities in a Warehouse, Inventory Norms, Inventory Valuation, Methods of Inventory Valuation, Performance Measurement of Stores Functioning. |
18 |
Introduction to E-Commerce:-E-Commerce, E-Procurement, Implementation of E-Commerce, Reverse Auction, Forward Auction. |
19 |
Some Motivational Thoughts:-Work, Home, Self, Change Management. |
Distribution & Logistics Management- Paper 1st
Business Logistics – Paper 2nd
Curriculum of Distribution & Logistics Management- Paper 1st (BIBM- E1053)
S.No. |
Topics |
1 |
Distribution: A Strategic Overview:-Introduction, Distribution:Meaning and Concept, Landscape of Market Scenario, traditional Status of Distribution, Distribution in the New Environment, Strategic Importance of Distribution. |
2 |
Role of Marketing Intermediaries:-Introduction, Functions of Marketing Intermediaries, Role of Marketing Intermediaries in the e-Environment, Role of Marketing Intermediaries in Physical Product Industries, Value Chain and Marketing Intermediaries. |
3 |
Distribution Structures and Systems:-Introduction, Distribution Systems for Various Product Categories, Designing Channel Structure, Distribution Systems in e-Environment. |
4 |
Partnering Channel Relationships: – Introduction, Partnering Channel Relationships, Stages of Partnering Relationships, Reason for Developing Partnering Channel Relationships, Factors behind Partnering Channel Relationships, Channel Conflicts and Resolution Strategies, Partnering Channel Relationships and Information Technology, Case Study. |
5 |
Overview of Logistics Management: – Introduction, Nature and Concepts, Evolution of Logistics Management, Supply Chain Management, Logistical Mission and Objectives, Components of Logistics Management, Functions of Logistics Management, Integrated Logistics System, Key Distribution-Related Issues and Challenges for Logistics, Strategy Logistics Management, Total Cost Analysis and Trade-off. |
6 |
Customer Service:-Introduction, Nature and Concept, Components of Customer Service, Customer Service Cost, Strategic Customer Service Management, Customer Service Management, Impediments to an Effective Customer Service Strategy. |
7 |
Inventory Management:-Introduction, Concept and Types, Functions of Inventory, Elements of Inventory Costs, Inventory Management under Certainty, Managing Finished Products Inventory under Uncertainty, Strategic Inventory Management Tools and Techniques, Distribution requirement Planning (DRP). |
8 |
Transportation:-Introduction, Functions of Transportation, Elements of Transportation Cost, Modes of Transport, Multi-Model Transport, Containerisation, Selection of Transportation Mode, Transportation decision (Pricing & Rates), Transportation Network(Routing & Scheduling), Third Party Logistics(3PL). |
9 |
Warehousing and Distribution Centres:-Introduction, Concepts of Warehousing, Types of Warehouses, Functions of Warehousing, Warehousing Strategy, Warehouse Design, Operational Mechanism of Warehousing, IT-enabled Warehouse Management Systems(e-WMS). |
10 |
Value of Information and Order Processing:-Introduction, Position of Information in Logistics Management, Bullwhip Effect on Logistics and Supply Chain, Logistics Information System(LIS), Nature and Concept of Order Processing, Functions of Order Processing, Elements of Order Processing Costs, Significance of Order Processing, Case Study. |
11 |
Integration of Distribution and Logistics:-Introduction, Significance of Integration of Logistics with Distribution System, IT-Enabled Distribution and Logistics Management(e-DLM), Prerequisites for Successful Integration, Performance Measurement, Case Study. |
12 |
Retailing Management and Indian Retail Industry:-Introduction, Nature and Characteristics of Retail Management, Functions of Retailers in Distribution, Types of Retail Organisations, Format of Major Modern Retail Institutions, Indian Retail Industry, Key Trends in Indian Retail Industry, Porter’s Five Forces Analysis of Organised Retail Industry, SWOT Analysis of Indian Organisesd Retail Industry, Organised Retailers v/s Traditional Stores, Key Issues and Challenges of Indian Organised Retail Industry, Critical Success Factors of Indian Modern Retail Industry, Future Outlook of Indian Retail Industry, Case Study. |
Curriculum of Business Logistics – Paper 2nd (BIBM- E1054)
S.No. |
Topics |
1 |
Objectives and Elements of Logistics:- Introduction, Definition, The Concept of Logistics, Importance of Logistics, Supply Chain Management vs Logistics. |
2 |
Marketing and Logistics:- Introduction, Relationship of Logistics to Marketing and Production, Marketing Logistics, Logistics and the Modern Organization, Logistic Sub-Systems, Elements of Logistics, Marketing Mix, Trade-Off Analysis, Types of Trade-Off Analysis, Forms of Logistics Management. |
3 |
Integrated Logistics: – Introduction, Logistical Competency, Network Design, Information, Transportation, Inventory, Warehousing, Material Handling, and Packaging, Integrated Logistics, Barriers to Internal, Logistics Integration. |
4 |
Supply Chain Relations: – Introduction, Channel Structure, The Economics of Distribution, Traditional Functions, Specialisation, Assortment. |
5 |
Customer Based Marketing: – Introduction, Customer-Focused Marketing, Marketing Concept, Philosophy of Management, Logistics as a Core Strategic Competency, Life-Cycle Planning Framework, Customer Services Defined, Increasing Customer Expectations, The Perfect Order, Value-Added Services. |
6 |
Transportation: – Introduction, Types of Transportation, Transport Functionality and Principles, Participants in Transportation Decisions, Transport Infrastructure, Legal Classification of Carrier. |
7 |
Multi-Model Transport: – Introduction, Features of Multimodal Transport System, Supplier of Transportation Services, Value Added Services, Ranking of Carrier Selection Determinates. |
8 |
Containerization: – Introduction, A Freight Container, Classification of Containers, Stuffing Cargo in a Container, Benefits to Trade, Constraints in Containerization. |
9 |
Incoterms: – Introduction, International Contract Terms (Incoterms), Rights and Duties Under Principal Incoterms, General Conditions in Export Contracts, International Arbitration. |
10 |
Inland Container Depot: – Introduction, Inland Container Depot (ICD)-Roles and Functions, Export Clearance at ACID, Clearance Procedure for Imports, Container Corporation of India (CONCOR), Establishment and Operation of ICD Under CONCOR, International Scenario. |
11 |
International Air Transport: – Introduction, Air Freight Operations, Advantages of Air Cargo, Constraints in Air Transit, Air Cargo Tariff Structure, IATA. |
12 |
Shipping Industry: – Introduction, Role of Shipping, Different Types of Ships, Shipping Routes, Role of Suez and Panama Canals in Ocean Shipping, Operating Ships, Development of Liner and Tramp Trade, Organization of a Shipping Company. |
13 |
Freight: – Introduction, Freight or Tariff Rates, Freight Rebates, Factor Involved in Ratemaking. |
14 |
Freight Structure And Practice: – Introduction, Determination of Freight Rates, Contracts of Affreightments, Sea Freight, Types Freight Rates, Conference Liner Staff, Liner Freight Rebate System, Liner Freight Rates, Tramp Freights, Types of Freight, Ship Owner’s Lien for Freight. |
15 |
Warehousing: – Introduction, Evolution of the Concept of Warehousing, Importance and Benefits of Warehousing, Warehouse Operating Principles, Developing the Warehouse Resource, Warehousing Strategy. |
16 |
Material Handling: – Introduction, Managing Warehouse Resources, Material Handling, Handling Equipment, Automated Material Handling, Order Selection System, ASRS System, Introduction-Directed Systems, Special Handling Considerations. |
17 |
Packaging and Packing: – Introduction, Labelling Function, Forms of Labels, Labels and Preferences for Colours, Numbers and Shapes, Functions of Packaging, Packaging Design, Packaging Materials and Kinds of Packaging, Preparing for Packaging. |
18 |
Packing for Transportation and Marketing: – Introduction, Types of Packing Boxes, Containers for Transportation of Export Cargo, Procedure for Packing Goods, Cost of Packing, Marking on the Export Boxes, Types of Marking, Features of Marking. |
19 |
Inventory Management:- Introduction, Types and Characteristics of Inventory, Inventory, Inventory Functionality, Terms Associated with Inventory Management, Planning the Inventory Resource, Components of Inventory. |
20 |
Global Logistics:- Introduction, Logistics in a Global Economy, Barriers in the Way of Global Logistics, Global Trade Perspectives, Global Operating Levels, The Interlinked Global Economy. |
21 |
Information and Communication:- Introduction, Logistics Information System, Principles of Logistics Information, Logistics Information System Architecture, Planning and Coordination, Operations, Logistics Information System Flow. |
22 |
Documentation:- Introduction, Rationale for Documentation, Documents. |
Risk Management- Paper 1st
Risk Management and Financial Institutions- Paper 2nd
Curriculum of Risk Management- Paper 1st (BIBM- E1071)
S.No. |
Topics |
1 |
Introduction to Risk Exposure-Risk Identification and Analysis:-Introduction, Objectives, About the Risk in Business, Risk Identification, Project Risk, Risk’s Nature, Causes of Risk, Sensitivity Analysis Based on Several Variable Factors, Break Even Analysis, Simulation and Sensitivity, Decision Tree Method, Analysis of Risk by Financial Institutions. |
2 |
Risk in Banks:-Introduction, Objectives, Risk Management Need in the Banks, Operational Risk, Operational Risk Components, Management of Operational Risk-Control, Operational Risk Management Based on Basel II Documents, Management Overview, Framework, Risk Monitoring And Control, Risk Quantification, Scenerio Analysis-Basel II Guide Lines, Integrated Risk Management, Management Approach, RBI Guidance, Credit Risk in Bank. Market Risk Management, Liquidity Risk. |
3 |
Risk Management in Insurance Company:–Introduction, Objectives, Background, Defining Risk in Insurance, Stages of Risk Management, Risk Inspection, Objective of Risk Coverage, General Insurance Related Corporate and their role in Loss Mitigation, Good House Keeping, Fire Protection, Fire Prevention on Site-Check List, Risk Reduction by Site Monitoring, Probabilities, Risk Factors, Monitoring and Its Uses, Maintenance Helps in Prevention of Losses, Better Maintenance Practices, Legislative Support, Re-insurance, Process of Re-insurance, Excess of Loss Reinsurance, Problem faced in Engineering Insurance, Re-insurance of Engineering Business. |
4 |
Currency Risk Management-Application of Swap-Managing Swap Book:-Introduction, Objectives, Currency Risk Management, SWAPs, Types of SWAPS, More about Swaps, Replacement Value of an interest Rate Swap, Swap-spread, Swap Dealers, Currency Swaps, Cautions, The Comparative Advantages, Swap Book-Accounting System, Financial Statements, Shareholders’ Equity, Investments-Us Gaap, Investment: IFRS, Consolidation: Variable Interest Entities, Business Combination. |
5 |
Risk Management in Service Sector Companies:-Introduction, Objectives, client Concentration Risk, Customer Satisfaction in India, Competition Analysis. |
6 |
Value at Risk:-Introduction, Objectives, Value at Risk Definition And Uses, Sources of Market Risk, Market Risk Model, Applications of Market Risk Measurement Techniques, Value at Risk(Var) Techniques, Application of Var, Market Risk Management in Financial Institutions, Concept of Cash Flow Var, Using Cash Flow Var in Hedging/Risk Management. |
7 |
Credit Derivative:-Introduction, Objectives, Credit derivatives-where It Stands, Credit Derivatives-histrograph, Global Past Trend of Credit Derivatives, Credit Derivatives-ITS Details, Credit Default Swap, Credit Link Notes(CLN), Collateral Debt Obligation(CDO) and Collateral Loan Obligation(CLO), Total Return SWAP(TRS), Credit Derivative Buyer, Credit Derivative in India-its Prospective, Participant’s Nature-Indian market, Corporate Governance, Rrisk Management, Rlimiting The Risks, Credit Limit for Banks, Credit Derivative Risk. |
8 |
Application of Commodity Drivatives for Risk Management:-Introduction, Objectives, Status of Forward Contract, Basic Risk Management, Commodity Forward Contracts, Interest Rate Parity Theorems, Forward Price General Formula, The Alternatives, Counter Party Risk, A Suitable Case Future Contracts, Accounting Future Contract, Other Areas of Consideration, Counter Party Risk, Physical Delivery, Future Contracts Its Pricing, Long Swiss Franc Futures Position During March 1999 in the June 1999 Contract, Problem Faced, Mark To Market Credit Gain. |
Curriculum of Risk Management and Financial Institutions- Paper 2nd (BIBM- E1072)
S.No. |
Topics |
1 |
Financial Institutions:-Financial Intermediation, Rationale for Financial Intermediation, Importance of Financial Intermediation, Categories of Financial Institutions, Regulation of Financial Intermediaries. |
2 |
Depository Financial Institutions:-The Statutory Framework, Structure of the Indian Banking Industry, Composition of SCB Balance Sheets, Performance of Indian SCBs. |
3 |
Non-Depository Financial Institutions:-Finance Companies, Insurance Companies, Mutual Funds. |
4 |
Bank Products:-Commercial Credit, Retail Credit, Deposits, Fee-Based Products. |
5 |
Bank Financial Statements:-Statutory Framework for Financial Statements, Components of Bank Balance Sheets, Components of Bank Profit and Loss Statements, International Accounting Standards for Banks. |
6 |
Performance Analysis of Banks:-Background Factors for Performance Analysis, Ratio Analysis for Banks and Finance Companies, ROE Model for Profitability Analysis, CAMELS-An Integrated Scorecard for Banks, Performance Ratios of Indian Scheduled Commercial Banks. |
7 |
Introduction to Risk Management:-Assets Liability Risks, Portfolio Risks, Operational Risk, Solvency Risk, The Process of Risk Measurement and Mitigation. |
8 |
Market Risk:-Value-at- Risk, Exposure Mapping, Identifying Risk Factors, Projecting Changes in Market Prices of Risk Factors, Parameters for VaR, Stress Testing, Market Risk Management. |
9 |
Interest Rate Risk:-The Target Variable, Sources of Interest Rate Risk, Exposure Measurement, Grasping the Range and Likelihood of Possible Outcomes, Stress Testing, Management of Interest Rate Risk. |
10 |
Credit Risk:-Traditional Approaches to Measuring Credit Risk, Measuring Credit Risk- The Var Approach, Measuring Credit Risk –Other Approaches, Credit Risk Management. |
11 |
Operational Risk:-Operational Risk Data, Measuring Operational Risk, Managing Operational Risk. |
12 |
Liquidity Risk:-Sources of Liquidity Risk, Constructing the Forward Payment Structure, Assessing the Range of Possible Outcomes, Measuring the Bank’s Counter Balancing Capacity, Managing Liquidity. |
13 |
Hedging Risks at Bank:-Tools for Hedging Interest Rate Risk, Tools for Hedging Credit Risk, Securitization. |
14 |
Managing Bank Capital:-Economic Capital, Measuring Economic Capital, Implementing an Economic Capital Framework, Allocating Economic Capital. |
15 |
Based I-The Capital Accord:-Scopes of Application of Accord, Constituents of Capital, Treatment of Credit Risk, Treatment of Market Risks, Prudential Norms for Capital Adequacy in India. |
16 |
Based II- The New Accord:-Scope of Application of the Accord, Minimum Capital Requirement for Credit Risk, Credit Risk Mitigation, Minimum Capital Requirements for Operational Risk, The Second Pillar –Supervisory Review Process, The Third Pillar- Market Discipline. |
17 |
Trends in the Banking Industry:-Deregulation, Mergers, Diversification, Technology. |
Business Analytics- Paper 1st
Big Data – Paper 2nd
Curriculum of Business Analytics- Paper 1st (BIBM-E1087)
S.No. |
Topics |
1 |
Product-Market Fit: Gap Analysis: –Gap Analysis, Carrying Out Gap Analysis, Steps in Gap Analysis, Conducting a Representative Survey for Gap Analysis, Case Studies. |
2 |
Factor Analysis: -Applying Factor Analysis on Attributes for a Fast-food Eating Place, Case Studies. |
3 |
Concepts of Cluster Analysis: -Similarity Measures, Applying Cluster Analysis to the Database for Measuring Awareness to Global Warming/Climate Change Phenomenon, Case Study. |
4 |
Linear Discriminant Analysis: -Linear Discriminant Analysis Model, Case Studies. |
5 |
Logistic Regression: -Theoretical Formulation of Logistic Regression, Mathematical Interpretation of Logistic Regression, Indicator for Model Fit, Case Studies, Testing the Reliability/Consistency of the Different Factors Measured, Applying Logistic Regression. |
6 |
RFM Analysis: –Enhancing Response Rates with RFM Analysis, Case Studies. |
7 |
Decision Tree Approach with CHAID: –How the Algorithm Works, Case Studies. |
8 |
Structural equation Modelling: –Case Studies. |
9 |
Conjoint Analysis: –Methodology for Conjoint Analysis, Case Studies. |
Curriculum of Big Data – Paper 2nd (BIBM-E1088)
S.No |
Topics |
1 |
What is Big Data and Why Is It Important: –A Flood of Mythic “Start-Up” Proportions, Big Data Is More Than Merely Big, Why Now?, A Convergence of Key Trends, Relatively Speaking, A Wider Variety of Data, The Expanding Universe of Unstructured data, Setting the Tone at the Top. |
2 |
Industry examples of Big Data: –Digital Marketing and the Non-Line World, Don’t Abdicate Relationships, Is IT Losing Control of Web Analytics?, Database Marketers, Pioneers of Big Data, Big Data and the New School of Marketing, Consumers Have Changed. So Must Marketers, The Right Approach: Cross-Channel Lifecycle Marketing, Social and Affiliate Marketing, Empowering Marketing with Social Intelligence, Fraud and Big Data, Risk and Big Data, Credit Risk Management, Big Data and Algorithmic Trading, Crunching Through Complex Interrelated Data, Intraday Risk Analytics, a Constant Flow of Big Data, Calculating risk in Marketing, Other Industries Benefit from Financial Services’Risk experience, Big data and Advances in Health Care, “Disruptive Analytics”, A Holistic Value Proposition, Bl Is Not Data Science, Pioneering New Frontiers in Medicine, Advertising and Big data: From Papyrus to Seeing Somebody, Big Data Feeds the Modern-Day Donald Draper, Reach, Resonance, and Reaction, The Need to Act Quickly, Measurement Can Be Tricky, Content Delivery matters Too, Optimization and Marketing Mixed Modeling, Beard’s Take on the Three Big Data Vs in Advertising, Using Consumer Products as a Doorway. |
3 |
Big Data Technology:-The Elephant in the Room: Hadoop’s parallel World, Old Vs New Approaches, Data Discovery: Work the Way People’s Minds Work, Open-Source Technology for Big Data Analytics, The Cloud and Big Data, Predictive Analytics Moves into the Limelight, Software as a Service BL, Mobile Business Intelligence is Going Mainstream, ease of Mobile Application Deployment, Crowdsourcing Analytics, Inter-and Trans-Firewall Analytics, R&D Approach Helps Adopt New Technology, Adding Big Data Technology into the Mix, Big Data Technology Terms, Data Size. |
4 |
Information Management: –The Big Data Foundation, Big Data Computing Platforms, Big Data Computation, More on Big Data Storage, Big Data Computational Limitations, Big Data Emerging Technologies. |
5 |
Business Analytics:-The Last Mile in Data Analysis, Geospatial-Intelligence Will Make Your Life Better, Listening: Is It Signal or Noise?, Consumption of Analytics, From Creation to Consumption, Visualizing: How to Make It Consumable?, Organizations Are Using Data Visualization as a Way to Take Immediate Action, Moving from Sampling to Using All the Data, Thinking Outside the Box, 360° Modeling, Need for Speed, Let’s Get Scrappy, What Technology Is Available?, Moving from Beyond the Tools to Analytic Applications. |
6 |
The People Part of the Equation:–Rise of the Data Scientist, Learning over Knowing, Agility, Scale and Convergence, Multidisciplinary Talent, Innovation, Cost Effectiveness, Using Deep Math, Science, and Computer Science, The 90/10 Rule and Critical Thinking, Analytic Talent and Executive Buy-in, Developing Decision Sciences Talent, Holistic View of Analytics, Creating Talent for Decision Sciences, Creating a Culture that Nurtures Decision Sciences talent, Setting Up the Right Organizational Structure for Institutionalizing Analytics. |
7 |
Data Privacy and Ethics: –The Privacy Landscape, The Great Data Grab Isn’t New, Preferences, Personalization and Relationships, Rights and Responsibility, Playing in a Global Sandbox, Conscientious and Conscious Responsibility, Privacy May Be the Wrong Focus, Can Data Be Anonymized?, Balancing for Counterintelligence, Now What?. |
Rural Marketing – Paper 1st
Rural Development – Paper 2nd
Curriculum of Rural Marketing – Paper 1st (BIBM- E1073)
S.No |
Topics |
1 |
Introduction:-Definition of Rural Marketing, Organization of the Book. |
2 |
Rural Market Environment:-Population, Land Distribution, Developmental Programmes, Infrastructure facilities, Rural Credit Institutions, Rural Retail Outlets, Print Media in Rural Areas, Rural Ares Requirements. |
3 |
Rural demand and Rural Market Index:-Thompson Rural Market Index, MICA Rural Market Index. |
4 |
Problems in Rural Marketing:-Underdeveloped People and Underdeveloped Market, Lack of Proper Physical Communication Facilities, Media for Rural Communication, Multiplicity of Languages and Dialects, Vastness and Uneven Spread, Low per Capita Incomes, Logistics, Storage, Handling and Transport, Market Organization and Staff, Product Positioning, Hierarchy of markets, Low Levels of Literacy, Seasonal Demand. |
5 |
Marketing of Agricultural Inputs:-Consumable inputs, Durable Inputs, Fertilizers, Agro-chemicals, Cattle, Poultry Tillers, Irrigation Equipment, Other Farm Machinery. |
6 |
Marketing of Consumables, Durables and Services:-Product, Price, Distribution, Promotion, Product Redesign or Modification Needs. |
7 |
Marketing of Agricultural produce, and Rural and Cottage Industry Products:-Marketing of Agricultural Produce, Marketing of Rural/Cottage Industry/Artisan Products. |
8 |
Role of Financial Institutions in Rural Marketing:-Agricultural Productivity and Need for Credit, Rural Credit Institutions, Flow of Institutional Credit to Agriculture, impact on Rural Market, Impact of Loan Waiver Scheme on Rural Market. |
9 |
Role of Cooperative Institutions in Rural Marketing:-Cooperatives as Organizations, Structure of Cooperative Organizations, types of Cooperative Organizations, Share of Cooperatives in National Economy, Impact of Cooperatives on Rural Marketing. |
10 |
Rural Marketing Strategies:-Rural Market Segmentation, Product Strategies, Pricing Strategies, Distribution Strategies, Promotion Strategies. |
11 |
Social Marketing and Corporate Social Responsibility:-Social Marketing, Corporate Social Responsibility. |
Curriculum of Rural Development – Paper 2nd (BIBM- E1074)
S.No |
Topics |
1 |
Introduction:-Concepts and Connotations of Rural Development, Basic Elements of Rural Development, Growth Versus Development, Why Rural Development, Rising Expectations and Development, Development and Change, Human Beings as the Cause and Consequence of Development, Some Dilemmas in Development. |
2 |
Rural Economy of India:-Introduction, Size and Structure of the Rural Economy, The Characteristics of the Rural Sector, The Role of the Agricultural Subsector, The Role of the Non Agricultural Subsector, Challenges and Opportunities. |
3 |
Measure of Development:-Introduction ,Measures of Level of Rural Development, Measures of Income Distribution, Measures of Development Simplified, Concepts and Measures of Rural Poverty. |
4 |
Some Paradigms of Rural Development:-Introduction, The Modernization Theory, The Dependency Theory of the Marxist School, Rosenstein-Rodan’s Theory of the ‘Big Push’, Leibenstein’s ‘Critical Minimum Effort Thesis’, Lewis’ Model of Economic Development, Gunnar Myrdal’s Thesis of ‘Spread and Backwash’ Effects, The Human Capital Model of Development, The Gandhian Model of Rural Development, Development Theory from Other Social Science. |
5 |
Determinants of Rural Development:-Introduction, Changes in Output, Natural Resources, Human Resource, Capital, Technology, Organizational and Institutional Framework, Relation Between Rural Development and its Determinants. |
6 |
Rural Development Policies:-Introduction, Freedom, Control and Public Policy, Need for a Rural Development Policy, Goals of Rural Development Policy, Hierarchy of Policy Goals, Rural Development Policies in India, Globalisation and Rural Development. |
7 |
Strategies for Sustainable Development:-Introduction, The Concepts of Sustainability and Sustainable Development, Some Indicators of Non Sustainable Development, A Critical Review of India’s Strategies of Rural Development, Some Elements of a New Strategy for Sustainable Development. |
8 |
Policy Instruments of Rural Development:-Introduction, A Conceptual Frame Work, An Action System, Policy Instruments. |
9 |
Equity – Oriented and Growth–Oriented Programmes:-Introduction, Equity–Oriented Programmes, Growth –Oriented Programmes. |
10 |
Poverty and Unemployment Eradication Programmes:-Introduction, Current Poverty Scenario and Trends, Rural Employment Scenario, Poverty and Unemployment Alleviation Programmes, Social Welfare-Oriented Programmes (SWOP). |
11 |
Natural Resources and Infrastructure Development Programmes:-Introduction, Natural Resource-based Programmes Natural Agriculture Insurance Scheme (NAIS), Pilot Weather-based Crop Insurance Scheme (WBCIS), Infrastructure Development Programmes. |
12 |
Planning for Rural Development:-Introduction, Levels and Functions of Planning, Decentralisation of Panning, Methodology of Micro-Level Planning, Methodology for Block and District-Level Planning. |
13 |
Organising for Rural Development:-Introduction, A Detour to Organizational Models, The Search for a New Paradigm, Criteria for Designing an Appropriate Organization, Government Organizations Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs), Cooperatives, Voluntary Agencies/Non –Government Organizations, Corporations and Rural Development. |
14 |
Financing Rural Development:-Introduction, Domestics Institutional Sources, The Role of Non –Institutional Agencies, Deficit Financing or Controlled Inflation, Foreign Sources of Funds. |
15 |
Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation:-Introduction, Project Implementation, Project Control Integration and Coordination, People’s Participation in Implementation, Project Monitoring, Project Evaluation. |
Total Quality Management- Paper 1st
Quality Control- Paper 2nd
Curriculum of Total Quality Management- Paper 1st (BIBM – E1014)
S.No. |
Topics |
1 |
Introduction to Quality Management:-Definition, Why Quality Management?, TQM Framework to Quality Improvement, TQM Benefits, Awareness and Obstacles. |
2 |
Concept of Quality:-Concept of Quality, Vision of Quality, Need and Importance of Quality, Evolution of Quality, Determinants of Quality, Quality Mission, Quality Policy, Dimensions of Quality, Cost of Quality |
3 |
Customer Retention:-Customer Retention Strategies, Trends in Customer Retention, Keys for Customer Retention, Customer Loyality, Strategic Customer. Customer Involvement in Product/Service Development. |
4 |
Concept of Quality Circles:-Quality Circles: Rationale and Brief History, Quality Circles, Structural Organization for QC Circles, Roles and Functions of QC Circle Organization, Quality Control Circle Process, QC Circle Techniques, QC Circle – Implementation, QC Circles: A Case Study: Neyveli Lignite Corporation (NLC) |
5 |
Total Quality through Japanese 5-S:-What is 5-S?, Benefits of 5 – S Implementing of 5-S, Understanding of 5-S, 8D Methodology. |
6 |
Statistical Process Control:-Statistical Process Control (SPC), Statistical Quality Control (SQC), Company Wide Quality Control (CWQC), Process Capability: A Discerning Measure of Process Performance, Control Charts, Control Charts for Variables Data, Control Charts for Attribute. |
7 |
Process Capability and Six Sigma:-Process Capability, Significance and Measurement, Six Sigma, Six Sigma Methodology, Concept of Process Capability, Reliability Concept, Product Life Characteristics Curve, Total Productive Maintenance – Relevance to TQM. |
8 |
Tools and Techniques for Quality Management:-Quality Function Deployment (QFD), Quality Function Development (QFD), QFD Benefits, Voice of Customer, Information Organization, House of Quality (HOQ), Building a HOQ, QFD Process. |
9 |
The Seven Tools of TQM:-Seven Old Statistical Tools, Seven New Management Tools. |
10 |
ISO Concepts:-Essence of International Standards, ISO Standard, Documentation of Quality System, Implementing ISO 9001:2000. |
11 |
Quality Management Systems:-Quality Management Systems, Guidelines for Performance Improvements, Quality Audits, TQM Culture, Leadership, Quality Council, Employee Involvement, Motivation and Empowerment, Information Technology, Information Quality Issues. |
Curriculum of Quality Control- Paper 2nd (BIBM – E1022)
S.No. |
Topics |
1 |
Introduction to Quality:-Concept of Quality, Responsibility For Quality, Chief Executive Officer, Computers and Quality Control. |
2 |
Total Quality Management – Principles and Practices:-Basic Approaches, Leadership, Customer Satisfaction, Employee Involvement, Continuous Process Improvement, Supplier Partnership, Performance Measures, Deming’s 14 Points. |
3 |
Total Quality Management –Tools And Techniques:- Statistical Process Control, Acceptance Sampling, Reliability Design of Experiments (DOE), Taguchi’s Quality Engineering, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis, Quality Function Deployment, ISO 14000, Benchmarking, Total Productive Maintenance, Management and Planning Tools, Quality By Design, Products Liability, Information Technology. |
4 |
Fundamentals of Statistics:-Frequency Distribution, Measures of Central Tendency, Measures of Dispersion, Other Measures, Concept of a Population and Sample, The Normal Curve, Tests for Normality, Scatter Diagram. |
5 |
Control Charts for Variables:-Control Chart Techniques, State of Control, Specifications, Process Capability, Six Sigma, Other Control Charts. |
6 |
Additional SPC Techniques for Variables:-Batch and Continuous Processes, Multi-Vari Chart, Short-Run SPC, Gage Control. |
7 |
Fundamentals of Probability:-Basic Concepts, Discrete and Continuous Probability Distributions, Distribution Interrelationship. |
8 |
Control Charts for Attributes:-Control Charts for Nonconforming Units, Control Charts for Count of Nonconformities, A Quality Rating System. |
9 |
Lot-by-Lot Acceptance Sampling by Attributes:-Fundamental Concepts, Statistical Aspects, Sampling Plan Design. |
10 |
Acceptance Sampling Systems:-Lot-by-lot Acceptance Sampling Plans for Attributes,Acceptance Sampling Plans for Continuous Production, Acceptance Sampling Plans for Variables. |
11 |
Reliability:-Fundamental Aspects, Additional Statistical Aspects, Life and Reliability Testing Plans, Accelerated Testing Types, Availability, Maintainability. |
12 |
Management and Planning Tools:-Why, Why Analysis, Forced Field Analysis, Nominal Group Technique, Affinity Diagram, Interrelationship Diagram, Tree Diagram, Matrix Diagram, Prioritization Matrices, Process Decision Program Chart, Activity Network Diagram . |
Tourism Management- Paper 1st
Tourism Development – Paper 2nd
Curriculum of Tourism Management- Paper 1st (BIBM- E1081)
S.No. |
Topics |
1 |
Tourism: Introduction:-Concept of Tourism, Nature of Tourism: Leiper Model, Negative Impact of Tourism, Significance of Tourism, Classification, UN Conference on International Tourism, History of Tourism, Tourism in India, Suggestions for Appropriate Government Policy to Stimulate Tourism, Tourism Regulation, Future of Tourism. |
2 |
Evolution of Tourism:-Epochs of Tourism, Travel Literature, Leisure Development and State Intervention. |
3 |
Mass Tourism: Tourism in Modern Times |
4 |
Geography of Tourism:-The World Scale, The National Scale, The Local Scale, Maps-A Guide to Tourist, Geographical Components of Tourism, Tourist Attractions, Festivals and Fairs of India. |
5 |
Politics of Tourism |
6 |
Tourist Motivation:-Demand for Tourism, Tourist Environment, Youth Tourism. |
7 |
Statistical Measurement in Tourism:-International Source, Domestic Tourism, Limitations of Statistics. |
8 |
Tourist Behaviour |
9 |
Role of Travel Agencies:-Retail Travel Agent, Functions of a Modern Travel Agency, Inclusive Tours by Charter (ITC), Inclusive Tourism on Scheduled Services (ITX), Travel Organisations. |
10 |
Transport and Tourism:-Road Transport Automobile, Rail Transport, Travel by Sea, Air Travel. |
11 |
Accommodation: Hospitality Industry:-Hotels. |
12 |
Evolution of Hospitality Industry |
13 |
Management of Hospitality Industry:-Development of Hotels, Hotels Grading Schemes, Hotel Facilities, The Hotel Front Office and Reception, The Guest Cycle. |
14 |
Marketing in Tourism:-The Holiday Tourist, The Business Tourist, The Common Interest Tourism, Marketing Tools. |
15 |
Economic, Social and Ecological Impacts of Tourism:-Economic Impact of Tourism, Social and Cultural Impacts of Tourism: Positive and Negative Effects, Sex-Tourism-A Modern Disease, Tourism and Pollution, Eco-Tourism, Problems of Tourism. |
16 |
Promotion and Development of Tourism |
17 |
Tourism in India:-Architecture and Sculptures as Attraction, Sun, Sand and Surf. |
Curriculum of Tourism Development – Paper 2nd (BIBM- E1082)
S.No |
Topics |
1 |
Historical Dimensions:-Travel in Prehistoric Times, Travel in Middle Ages, Early Pleasure Travel, The Grand Tour and the Renaissance, Travel in the Industrial Age, Development of Early Transportation Systems, Development of Modern Transport Systems, Advent of High Speed Trains. |
2 |
Emergency of Modern Mass Tourism:-Post-World War II Phenomenon, Main Tourist Generators in the 60s, Expansion of Tourism in the 90s, The Social Causes, The Technological Causes. |
3 |
Psychological Dimensions of Travel:-Tourism as Behaviour, Early Influences, Motivation, Travel Motivators. |
4 |
Economic Dimensions:-The WTO Conference, The Manila Declaration, The Economic Impacts, The Economic Significance, Tourism Economic Multiplier, Infrastructure, Regional Development, Employment, Employment Multiplier, Cultural Resources, International Understanding. |
5 |
International Dimensions:-Measurement of Tourism, Importance of Tourist Statistics, Defining “Tourist”, Defining International Tourism, Defining Domestic Tourist, General Problems of Measurement, Types of Tourist Statistics, Methods of Measurement, Data Sources for Travel and Tourism, Planning a Survey. |
6 |
The Organisation of Tourism:-The Need for Organisation, Factors Influencing Type of Organisation, UN Conference Recommendations, The National Tourist Organisation, Functions of the National Tourist Organisation, Tourist Organisation in India, Tourist Organization in Italy. |
7 |
International Tourism Organisations:-Early History, International Union of Official Travel Organisation, World Tourism Organisation, Pacific Asia Travel Association, PATA Chapters, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, European Travel Commission, India Ocean Tourism Organisation. |
8 |
Tourist Accommodation:-Brief History, Emergence of Hotel, Types of Hotels, Supplementary Accommodation, Time-Share and Resorts, Grading Systems, Geographical Distribution. |
9 |
The Role of the Travel Agency:-Thomas Cook as Travel Agent, The Grand Circular Tour, The American Express Company, Profile of Modern Travel Agency, Setting up of a Travel Agency, The Tour Operator, Group Inclusive Tour, Travel Organisation. |
10 |
Tourism Planning and Development:-Planning for Tourism, Co-Ordination in Planning, The Planning Process, Tourist Demand and Supply, Environment Planning, Carrying Capacity, Importance of Tourism Planning. |
11 |
Marketing for Tourism:-The Marketing Evolution, Mass Production and the Markets, Marketing Concept, Marketing in Travel and Tourism, The Tourist Product, Market Segmentation, Special Features, Marketing Functions, The Marketing Mix, Tourist Marketing Mix. |
12 |
Marketing Communication:-Advertising, Planning the Advertising, Advertising Campaign, The Creative Strategy, The Media Mix, Sales Support, Sales Support Techniques, Public Relations, Public Relation Techniques, Tourist Publicity, Tourist Publicity Methods, The Brand Concept, Tourist Publicity Media. |
13 |
Tourism in India:-Early History, Ancient Civilization, Travel through the Ages, Accounts of Early Travelers, Early Travel Patterns, India-A Land of all Seasons, Development of Tourism, The Sargent Committee, Tourism Organisation, Setting up of Tourist Information Offices, Overseas Tourist Offices, Setting up of the Department of Tourism, Present Position. |
Operations Research- Paper 1st
Logistics Management- Paper 2nd
Curriculum of Operations Research- Paper 1st (BIBM-1011)
S.No. |
Topics |
1 |
Mathematical Model:- Mathematics – Mathematics – The Language of Modeling, Building a Mathematical Model, Verifying and Refining a Model, Variables and Parameters, Continuous-in Time vs Direct-in Time Models, Deterministic Model Example, Probabilistic Models |
2 |
Linear Programming: Graphical Method:- Essentials of Linear Programming Model, Properties of Linear Programming Model, Formulation f Linear Programming, General Linear Programming Model, Maximization and Minimization Models, Graphical Method, Unbounded LP Problem |
3 |
Linear Programming: Simplex Method:- Additional Variables Used in Solving LPP, Maximization Case, Solving LP Problems using Computer With TORA, Minimization LP Problems, Big M Method, Degeneracy in LP Problems, Unbounded Solutions in LPP, Multiple Solutions in LPP, Duality in LPP Problems, Sensitivity Analysis. |
4 |
Transportation Model:- Mathematical Formulation, Network Representation of Transportation Model, General Representation of Transportation Model, Use of Linear Programming to Solve Transportation Problem, Formulation of LP Model, Solving Transportation Problem using Computer, Balanced Transportation Problem, Unbalanced Transportation Problem, Procedure to Solve Transportation Problem, Maximization Transportation Problem, Prohibited Routes Problem, Transshipment Problem. |
5 |
Network Model:- Development of Project Network, Obtaining Time Estimates, Critical Path, PERT/CPM Network Components, Errors to be Avoided in Constructing A Network, Rules in Constructing a Network, Procedure for Numbering the Events Using Fulkerson’s Rule, Critical Path Analysis, Determination Of Float and Slack Times, Solving CPM Problems Using Computer, Project Evaluation Review Technique (PERT), Solving PERT Problems Using Computer, Cost Analysis |
6 |
Waiting Model (Queuing Theory):- Queuing Systems, Characteristics of Queuing System, Poisson and Exponential Distributions, Symbols and Notations, Single Server Queuing Model, Solving The Problem using Computer with TORA |
7 |
Inventory Models:- Need of Inventory Control, Advantages of Material Controls, Essential Factors of Material Control, ABC Analysis Technique, Process of Inventory Control, Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) Model, EOQ Model Under Organizational Constraints, Sensitivity Analysis, EOQ In Case of Batch Production, Minimum Stock Level, Maximum Stock Level, Ordering Level or Re-Order Level, Average Stock Level, Danger Level |
8 |
Game Theory:- Two-Person Zero-Sum Game, Pure Strategies: Game with Saddle Point, Mixed Strategies: Games without Saddle Point, Dominance Property, Solving Problem on the Computer TORA, Solving LP Model Games Graphically Using Computer |
9 |
Simulation:- Advantages and Disadvantages of Simulation, Monte Carlo Simulation, Simulation of Demand Forecasting Problems, Simulation of Queuing Problems, Simulation of Inventory Problems |
Curriculum of Logistics Management- Paper 2nd(BIBM-1012)
S.No. |
Topics |
1 |
Logistics:- Definition of Logistics, Concept of Logistics, Importance of Logistics, Customer Service Defined, Logistics and Consumer Satisfaction |
2 |
Logistical Mission and Strategic Issues:- The Organizational Planning Process, Evaluation and Selection of Channel Members, Integrating Strategic Planning for Logistics and Supply Chain Management Functions, Strategic Planning: Introduction, Definition and Segments, Strategy Implementation, Importance of Corporate Strategy, Relationship Between Logistics Strategy and Corporate Strategy |
3 |
Significance of Logistics:- Significance of Logistics, Logistical Competitive Advantages, Logistics Management Approach, Logistics Management Perspective |
4 |
Components and Functions of Logistics Management:-Components of Logistics Management, Functions of Logistics Management |
5 |
Distribution Planning and Inventory Management:- Physical Distribution, Concept of Inventory Management, Inventory Management System, Constraints to Inventory Planning, Types of Inventory, Inventory and Customer Service |
6 |
Functions of Inventory:-Functions of an Inventory, Geographical Specialization, Balancing Supply and Demand, Terms Associated with Inventory Management, Planning the Inventory Resource, Discrete Lot Sizing, Components of Inventory, Elements of Inventory Costs |
7 |
Transportation and Logistics:- Transportation Functionality and Principles, Transportation Economics Concepts, Players of Transportation Transactions, Transport Economics, Total Transportation Costs |
8 |
Warehousing and Store Management:-Evolution of The Concept of Warehousing, Importance and Benefits of Warehousing, Warehouse Operating Principles, Developing the Warehouse Resource, Managing Warehouse Resources, Types of Warehouses, Characteristics of Ideal Warehouse, Functions of Warehousing, Advantages of Warehousing |
9 |
Packaging and Material Handling:- Concept of Packaging, Functions of Packaging, Packaging Materials and Kinds of Packaging |
10 |
Forms of Packaging:- Protective Packaging Problems, Principles of Material Handling, Equipment Used in Material Handing |
11 |
Order Processing:- Basic Handling Considerations, Handling Equipment, Store is Mechanization with Material Handling Equipments, Traditional Material Handling Equipments, Functions of Order Processing |
12 |
Location Analysis:- Classification of Location Decision Problems, Solution Approach, Location Decision Model |
13 |
Logistics Cost:- Concepts of Logistics Costs, Logistics Information Costs |
14 |
Logistics Information System:- Logistics Information System, Principles of Logistics Information, Logistics Information System Architecture, Logistics Information System Flow |
15 |
Containerization And Multimodal Transport:- Transportation Modes, What is a Container?, Multimodal Transport – Advantages, Features of Multimodal Transport System, Transport Network System, Advanced System in Container Management, Sea Freight Container Details – Customs Connection, Multimodal Transport in International Trade, Maritime Frauds |
16 |
Logistics Organization:- Evolutionary Trends in Logistics Organization, Logistics Organizational Thinking, Basic Organizational Principles, Factors Influencing the Organizational Structure |
Strategic Cost Management- Paper 1st
Project Management in Information Technology- Paper 2nd
Curriculum of Strategic Cost Management- Paper 1st(BIBM E1021)
S.No. |
Topics |
1 |
Cost-Benefit Analysis:- Cost Benefit Analysis with Reference to Strategic Business Decision Making, Cost Management Practices. |
2 |
Cost Management Practices:- Value Analysis and Value Engineering, Wastage Control, Business Process Re-Engineering, Total Quality Management, Total Productive Maintenance, Cost Control And Reduction |
3 |
Product Life Cycle Costing:- Product Life Cycle Costing |
4 |
Activity-based Management:- Activity-Based Management |
5 |
Value Chain Analysis:- Value Chain Analysis and Long Term Cost Management |
6 |
Balanced scorecard:- Balanced Score Card |
7 |
Target Costing:- Target Costing |
8 |
Profit Variance Analysis:- Profit Variance Analysis |
9 |
Cost Audit and Management:- Cost Audit And Management |
10 |
Strategic Cost Benefit Analysis:- Strategic Cost Benefit Analysis, Restructuring Propositions |
Curriculum of Project Management in Information Technology – Paper 2nd(BIBM -E1020)
S.No. | Topics |
1 | Project Concept:-Project Concept Overview, Reviewing Project Ideas, Figuring out a Project’s Feasibility, Requirements and feasibility, The Business Requirement Document, Developing a Project Concept Plan, The Project Requirements Document (PRD), Recommendations for Management, Summary of Deliverables by Department. |
2 | Project Design:-Project Design Overview, The Project Design Phase, IT’s Role in Project Design, The Design Review, The Role of Other Team Members Play, Creating the Integrated Schedule, Creating a Baseline Cost Document, Creating a Team, Creating Team Minutes. |
3 | Project Development:-Project Development Overview, Tasks Completed During Project Development. The Beta Plan, The Development Review, Other Team Members Take Care of their Deliverables, Ways a project manager can Minimize Problems, Updating the Integrated Schedule and baseline Cost Document, The Project Development Presentation, Recommendations for management and Team Members. |
4 | Quality Assurance:-Quality Assurance Overview, tasks Completed During Quality Assurance, Identifying Beta Sites, creating a project Announcement Plan, The Release Plan, The Roles of Team Members. |
5 | Beta:-Beta Overview, managing a Beta Site, A Monitored-Release Project, The Beta Debrief and Release Plan Review, Recommendations for Management and Team Members, The Roles of Team Members . |
6 | Release:-release overview, Tasks Completed During Release, Recommendations for Management and Team Members, The Roles and Responsibilities of Team Members. |
7 | General Availability:-Overview of General Availability, Tasks Completed During General Availability, Maintaining A Project Once It Is Released, Recommendations for Management. |
8 | End of Life:-Overview of End of Life(EOL), Tasks Completed During End of Life, Documents created During End of Life Phase. |
Six Sigma Green Belt- Paper 1st
Six Sigma Black Belt- Paper 2nd
Curriculum of Six Sigma Green Belt- Paper 1st (BIBM – E1007)
S.No. |
Topics |
1 |
Introduction:- Six Sigma-Basic Concepts, Organizational Drivers and Goals, Lean-Concepts and Tools, Theory of Constraints. |
2 |
Six Sigma –Define Phase:-Process Management, Project Management, Team Dynamics and Communication, Tools used in Define Phase. |
3 |
Six Sigma-Measure Phase:-Statistics, Probability and Probability Distribution, Measurement System Analysis, Process Performance Analysis. |
4 |
Six Sigma-Analyze Phase:-Data Analysis, Test of Hypothesis, Design of Experiment, FMEA and QFD. |
5 |
Six Sigma-Improve Phase:-Design of Experiment, FEMA and QFD. |
6 |
Six Sigma-Control Phase:-Statistical Process Control, Control Planning. |
Curriculum of Six Sigma Black Belt- Paper 2nd (BIBM – E1008)
S.No. |
Topics |
1 |
The Broad View Toward an Enterprise:- Six Sigma:Basic Concepts, Concept of Leadership, Peoples Involved in Project Activity.. |
2 |
Process, Management and Measures in Organization:-Stakeholders, Concept of CTx, Benchmarking, Tools in Business Performance Measures, Project Benefits in Financial Terms. |
3 |
Dynamics of Team Management:-Team formation, Facilation and Dynamics, Various Tools used in Teams Functioning. |
4 |
Define Phase:-Voice of Customer, Project Charter and Project Tracking. |
5 |
Measure Phase:-Process essentials, Data: Collection and Measurement, Statistics, Probability and Process Capability. |
6 |
Analyze and Improve Phase:-Analyze, Improve. |
7 |
Control Phase:-SPC and Control Tools, Sustaining Improvements. |
Product Design & Development- Paper 1st
Quantitative Techniques- Paper 2nd
Curriculum of Product Design & Development- Paper 1st (BIBM- E1063)
S.No. |
Topics |
1 |
Introduction to Product Design: Aimow’s Model:-Definition of Product Design , Design by Evolution, Design by Innovation, Essential Factors of Product Design, Production –Consumption Cycle, Flow and Value Addition in the Production –Consumption Cycle, The Morphology of Design (The Seven Phases),Primary Design Phases and Flowcharting, Role of Allowance, Process Capability, and Tolerance in Detailed Design and Assembly, Summary of Detailed Design Phases. |
2 |
Product Design Practice and Industry:-Product Strategies, Time to Market, Analysis of the Product, The Three S’s Standardization, Renard Series (Preferred Number), Simplification, The Designer and his Role ,The Designer: Myth and Reality,The Industrial Design Organization ,Basic Design Considerations, Problems Faced by Industrial Designer, Procedure Adopted by Industrial Designers, Types of Models Designed by Industrial Designers, What the Designer Contributes, Role of Aesthetics in Product Design, Functional Design Practice. |
3 |
Strength Consideration in Product Design:-Principles Stress Trajectories (Force – Flow Lines), Balanced Design, Criteria and Objectives of Design, Material Toughness: Resilience, Design for Uniform Strength, Tension vis-a-vis Compression. |
4 |
Design For Stiffness and Rigidity:-Pure Struts and Pure Columns, Structure Involving both Tension and Compression Members, Mapping of Principal Stresses, Buckling and Instability , Theory of Long Columns, Hollow Columns, Plastic Design ,Practical Ideas for Material Saving in Design, Ribs, Corrugations, Laminates and Membranes. |
5 |
Production Processes:-Introduction, Primary Processes, Welding Processes, Machining Process, Microfinishing Operations, Non –Traditional Machining Processes. |
6 |
Design for Production :Metal Parts:-Producibility Requirements in the Design of Machine Components, Forging Design, Pressed Components Design, Casting Design, Design for Machining Ease, The Role of Process Engineer, Ease of Location and Clamping, Some Additional Aspects of Production Design, Die Casting and Special Casting, Design of Powder Metallurgical Parts, Expanded Metal and Wire Forms. |
7 |
Material Processing of Plastics , Rubber, Glass and Ceramics:-Plastics, Concepts in Chemistry of Plastics, Properties of Plastics, Classification of Plastics, Phenol Formaldehyde and Urea Formaldehyde Resin Products, Compression Moulding, Transfer Moulding, Injection Moulding, High-Pressure Laminates, Reinforced Plastic Moulding or Low Pressure Laminating, Forming and Drawing of Plastic Sheet, Design of Plastic Parts, Natural Rubber ,Artificial Rubber, Engineering Properties of Rubber, Glass, The Function of the Glass –Making Oxides, Manufacturing of Glass, Ceramics. |
8 |
Designing with Plastics, Rubber, Ceramics and Wood:–Approach of Design with Plastics, Plastic Bush Bearings, Gear in Plastics, Fasteners in Plastics, Rubber Parts ,Design Recommendation for Rubber Parts, Distortion of Rubber, Dimensional Effects, Tolerances, Ceramics and Glass Parts, Production Design Factor for Ceramics Parts, Special Consideration for Design of Glass Parts, Dimensional Factor and Tolerance, Wood. |
9 |
Optimization in Design:-Introduction, Siddal’s Classification of Design Approaches Optimization by Differential Calculus, Lagrange Multipliers, Linear Programming(Simplex Method),Geometric Programming, Johnson’s Method of Optimum Design. |
10 |
Economic Factor Influencing Design:-Product Value, Design for Safety, Reliability and Environmental Considerations, Manufacturing Operations in Relation to Design, Economic Analysis, Profit and Competitiveness, Break –Even Analysis, Economics of New Product Design(Samuel Eilon Model). |
11 |
Human Engineering Considerations in Product Design:-Human Being as Applicator of Forces, Anthropometry: Man as Occupant of Space, The Design of Controls, The Design of Display, Man/Machine Information Exchange, Workplace Layout from Ergonomic Considerations, Noise, Heating and Ventilating, Lighting, Concluding Remark. |
12 |
Value Engineering and Product Design:-Historical Perspective, What is Value?, Nature and Measurement of Value, Maximum Value, Normal Degree of Value, Importance of Value, The Value Analysis Job Plan, Creativity, Steps to Problem –Solving and Value Analysis, Value Analysis Tests, Value Engineering Idea Generation Check –List, Cost Reduction through Value Engineering Case Study, Material and Process Selection in Value Engineering. |
13 |
Role of Computer in Product Design, Manufacturing and Management:-CAD/CAM: Some Definitions, Product Cycle and CAD/CAM ,Role of Computer in Manufacturing, Role of Computer in Design Process, Creation of a Manufacturing Database, Computer Integrated Manufactured, Communication Network, Group Technology, Production Flow Analysis (PFA),Computer Added Process Planning (CAPP), Material Requirement Planning, Moving Towards Total Automation :Role of Artificial Intelligence, Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Just –In –TIME((JIT) Manufacturing. |
14 |
Modern Approaches to Product Design:-Concurrent Design, Quality Function Deployment (QFD), Rapid Prototyping. |
15 |
Quality Assurance in Product Design and Manufacturing:-Evolution of Quality Concepts and Applications, Quality and Design Spiral, Theory of Sampling Inspection, Control Charts and In –Process Monitoring of Quality, Quality of Performance: Reliability and Allied Topics, Taguchi Method of Robust Design of Products, Six Sigma Quality Concepts. |
16 |
New Product Development and Product Management:-What is Product?, Defining Product by Nature of Demand, New Product Strategy, Product Classification, Product Development and Product Management, New Product Development, Models Utilized in Various Phases of New Product Development, Managing Product Life Cycle ,Diffusion Models: Models of First Purchase, Concluding Remarks. |
17 |
Product Design for Environment:-Introduction, Importance of DFE, Environmental Factor, Scope of Environmental Impact, Design Guideline for DFEL if Cycle Assessment, The IVL/VOLVO EPS System for Life Cycle Assessment, Gradel and Allenby’s Environmentally Responsible Approach, Eco-Indicator 95 Method, Eco –Indicator 95 Worksheet, Technique to Reduce Environmental Impact. |
Curriculum of Quantitative Techniques- Paper 2nd (BIBM- E1064)
S.No. | Topics | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | Linear Programming: Formulation and Graphical Method:-Introduction, Essentials of Linear Programming Model, Properties of Linear Programming Model, Formulation of Linear Programming, General Linear Programming Model, Maximization & Minimization Models, Graphical Method, Solving Linear Programming Graphically Using Computer, Unbounded LP Problem. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | Linear Programming: Simplex Method:-Introduction, Additional variables Used in Solving LPP, Maximization Case, Solving LP Problems using Computer with TORA, Minimization Problems, Big M Method, Degeneracy in LP Problems, Unbounded Solutions in LPP, Multiple Solutions in LPP, Duality in LP Problems, Sensitivity Analysis. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 | Transportation Model:-Introduction, Mathematical Formulation, Network Representation of Transportation Model, General Representation of Transportation Model, Use of Linear Programming to Solve Transportation Problem, Formulation of LP Model, Balanced Transportation Problems, Unbalanced Transportation Problems, procedure to Solve Transportation Problems, Solving Transportation Problems by Computer, Maximization Transportation Problem, Prohibited Routes Problem, Transshipment Problem. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | Assignment Model:-Introduction, Mathematical Structure of Assignment Problem, Network Representation of Assignment Problem, Use of Linear Programming to Solve Assignment Problem, Types of Assignment Problem, Hungarian Method for Solving Assignment Problem, Unbalanced Assignment Problem, Restricted Assignment Problem, Multiple and Unique Solutions, Maximization Problem, Traveling Salesman Problem, Solving Problems on the Computer with TORA, Solving Maximization Problems Using Computers. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 | Network Analysis PERT-CPM:-Introduction, PERT/CPM Network Components, rules in Constructing a Network, Scheduling of Activities: Earliest Time and Latest Time, Determination of Float and Slack Times. Solving CPM Problems Using Computer with TORA, Project Evaluation Review Technique, PERT, Solving PERT Problems Using Computer, Cost Analysis. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6 | Sequencing:-Introduction, Terminology, Types of Sequencing Problems, Algorithm for Solving Sequencing Problems. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7 | Replacement Models:-Introduction, Types of Replacement Model, Types of Maintenance Cost, Replacement of items that deteriorate gradually, Replacement of Items that fail suddenly. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8 | Queuing Theory:-Introduction, Characteristics of Queuing Systems, Poisson and Exponential Distributions, Symbols and Notations, Single server Queuing Model, System of steady-state Equations, Queuing Equations, Solving Queuing problems using Computer. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9 | Game Theory:-Introduction, Terminology, two-person-zero-sum-game, Methods of Solving Mixed Strategy Problems, Dominance Property, Solving Problems on the computer with TORA, Solving games graphically using computer, Solving Linear Programming games using Computer. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Curriculum of Product Design & Development- Paper 1st (BIBM- E1063)
Curriculum of Quantitative Techniques- Paper 2nd (BIBM- E1064)
Customer Relationship Management:- Paper 1st
Services Marketing- Paper 2nd
Curriculum of Customer Relationship Management- Paper 1st (BIBM- E1031)
S.No. |
Topics |
1 |
Customer Is King:- Is CRM More of an Art or More of a Science? |
2 |
Customer Managed Relationships:-Mini Marketing:- The Axis of Equal, Mini-Marketing. |
3 |
Types of CRM:- Operational CRM, Analytical CRM, Collaborative CRM, Benefits of CRM With the Help of Types of CRM. |
4 |
Building Blocks of CRM & CRM Strategy:- CRM Strategies, Creating a CRM Business Strategy, Build a Customer Growth strategy, Avoid the Whipsaw Effect, Don’t Buy Into the Technology Magic Bullet, Measure Satisfaction With CRM, In a Nutshell. |
5 |
Customer Relationship Management by Indian Firms:- Customer Care Begins Before the Sale, Understanding Buying Patterns, Understanding the Customer, Rewarding Customer Loyalty, Making After Sales Service Easier. |
6 |
Customer Retention Strategies:- Financial Bonds, Social Bonds, Customization Bonds, Structural Bonds. |
7 |
HRM in CRM:- Mahatma Gandhi’s Definition of Customer, The h-CRM Model, To Slim up. |
8 |
Implementing a Technology-Based CRM Solution:- The Retail Strategy, The CRM Roadmap, Implementing CRM, Understand & Differentiate, Develop & Customize, Interact & Deliver, Acquire & Retain, Prioritizing the Changes, Creating an Action Plan, Selection and Implementing a Technology-Based Solution, Lessons From The ICICI Experience. |
9 |
Future Trends in CRM:- Doing Business in the CRM Era, Most Affected Industries, Why Should You Adopt CRM?, Current Trends in CRM, CRM in India, Critical Success Factors, The Road Ahead. |
10 |
The Call Centre:- Introduction, History of the Industry, Contact Centre, Classification of Call Centers, India: Opportunities And Challenges, Operational Challenges, The Agent, Measures Agent Efficiency, Call Centre Technology. |
11 |
Call Centre Functionality:- Customer Care, Industry Usages, Telemarketing, Collections, Back-Office Management. |
12 |
Team Building:- A Successful Team, Effective Team Membership. |
13 |
Customer Relationship Management:– Rational of CRM, CRM Tools. |
14 |
Web-Based Customer Support:- The Rational for E-Mail Communication, Efficient Contact Centre, Composing an E-Mail, Structure of an E-Mail, E-Mail Checklist. |
Curriculum of Services Marketing- Paper 2nd (BIBM- E1032)
S.No. |
Topics |
1 |
Understanding Service:- Introduction, Goods and Service, Distinctive Characteristics of Services, Molecular Model, Servuction Model, Classifying Services, Emergence of E-service, Factors Fuelling Growth of Services, Concerns about Service Growth, Service Revolution and Change in Perspective, Predicted Keys to Success in the Service Sectors. |
2 |
Service And Economy of a Country:- Introduction, Global Scenario, National Scenario. |
3 |
Issues in Marketing of Services:- Introduction, Service Product or Package, Pricing, Place, Promotion, People, Physical Evidence, Process Management. |
4 |
Consumer Decision Process and Ethical Issues:- Introduction, Consumer Decision Process, Expectancy Disconfirmation Model, Perceived Control Perspective, Ethics, Ethical Decision Making Methods, The Factors Influencing Ethical Decision Making, Ethical Decision Making Control. |
5 |
Service Delivery Process:- Introduction, Operational Competitiveness, Marketing and Operations, Models for Services Firms, Models to Services- Difficulties In Application, Possible Solutions, Technical Core Isolation and Servuction System Minimization, Blueprints, Stages In Representation, Logical Steps in the Process, Variability in the Process, Backstage Elements in the Process, Complexity, Divergence and Service Positioning Using Blueprints, Service Mapping, Service Failures. |
6 |
Pricing:- Introduction, Buyer’s Perception of Value, Consideration for Pricing of Services, Demand Considerations, Cross Price Elasticity, Price Discrimination, Price Segmentation, Cost Considerations, Customer Considerations, Competition Considerations, Emerging Price Strategies. |
7 |
Services Communication Mix:- Introduction, Communication Strategy, Consumer Behavior Considerations, Service Communication Mix-Special Problems, Guidelines For Developing Service Communications, Professional Service Provider. |
8 |
Firm’s Physical Evidence:- Introduction, Physical Evidence, Packaging, Service Processes, Socialization, Differentiation, Framework for Understanding Physical Evidence, Servicescapes, Behavioural Responses to Environment, Social Interactions, Creating Services Atmosphere, Design Considerations. |
9 |
Managing Employees and Consumers:- Introduction, Contact Personnel, Sources of Conflict, Right Type of Organization, Empowerment and Enfranchisement, Contingency Approach, Service Profit Chain, Customer Participation, Consumer Waits, Uncooperative Customers, Customer Relationship Management. |
10 |
Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality:- Introduction, Customer Satisfaction, Measurement of Customer Satisfaction, Customer Satisfaction Ratings, Customer Satisfaction Model, Customer Retention, Customer Expectations, Factors Influencing Expected Services, Service Quality, Failure Gaps in Service Quality, Knowledge Gap, Standards Gap, Delivery Gap, Communication Gap, Measurement of Service Quality, Tangible Dimension, Reliability Dimension, Responsiveness Dimension, Assurance Dimension, Empathy Dimension, Total Quality, Return on Quality, Service Quality Information System. |
11 |
Services Failure, Recovery and Customer Retention:- Introduction, Service Failures, Customer Complaints, Complaining Outcomes, Service Recovery, Evaluation of Recovery Efforts, Customer Retention, Benefits of Customer Retention, Emerging Marketing Programmes, Minimizing the Risk of a Payout, Defection Management, Seamless Services Firms, Three-Tiered Model of Service Firms, Service Audit. |
12 |
Hospitality and Tourism Services:- Introduction, Tourism as a Service Industry, Factors Governing Demand for Tourism, Hospitality Products, Tourism Market Segmentation, Marketing Strategies for Tourism, Indian Examples, Travel Services Marketing. |
13 |
Financial Services:- Introduction, Growth of Financial Services, Pricing, Selling Financial Services, Promotion and Advertising, Insurance, Financial Intermediation and Portfolio Management. |
14 |
Information Technology Services:- Introduction, Background, Issues in Marketing, Communication Gap, Telecommunication Services, Internet Services, Marketing on the Net. |
15 |
Health Care Services Marketing:- Introduction, Functions and Systems of Hospitals, Cure and Care, Flow Chart of a Patient’s Visit, Points of Variability and Backstage System Required, Recent Trends, Medical Transcription, Medical Transcription Process. |
16 |
Technology Readiness:- Introduction, Concept Development of Technology Readiness (TR), Why Is TR Important, Technology Readiness Index (TRI), Importance of Self-Service Technologies, Self-Service Technologies. |
17 |
e-Service Quality:- Introduction, Definition, Dimensions of e-Service Quality, Linking e-Service Quality to Retail Mark-Ups, Linking e-Service Quality to Travels, Linking e-Service Quality to Libraries. |
Digital Marketing- Paper 1st
Social Media Marketing – Paper 2nd
Curriculum of Digital Marketing- Paper 1st
S. No. | Topics |
1 | E-Marketing:–Web and the New Corporation, The Internet and Business, E-marketing-Strengths and Applications, E-marketing Communication Modes, Online Marketing Domains, The Behavioural Internet, E-marketing and Online Advertising, Integrated Marketing Communication and the Internet, E-marketing and Consumer Segmentation, E-marketing and Sales and Trade Promotion, Digital Marketing Optimization, Generation Y-Expectations and Influence, The Implications of Digital Change. |
2 | The Online Marketing Mix:-E-products-Creating Customer Value in an Online World, Consumers and Online Shopping Issues, Targeting, E-price, E-promotion, Digitization and Implications to Online Marketing Mix Decisions. |
3 | The Online Consumer:-The Digital Ecosystem, Dynamics of Online Consumer Visit, Models of Website Visits, The Web and Consumer Decision-making Process, Web 4.0 and Marketing, Database Marketing. |
4 | Customer Relationship Management in a Web 4.0 World:-What is Customer Relationship Management(CRM), Benefits of Electronic CRM Technology in Online Banking, Customer Relation Management Processes, Customer Relationship Management and the Customer Lifecycle, Bonding for Customer Relationship, Electronic Customer Relationship Management, Business-to-Consumer, SAP Web Channel Experience Management, The New Age E-enterprise, The Collaborative Web and the E-enterprise . |
5 | Social Media:-Web 4.0, Social Media, Marketing with Networks, A Broad Look at the B2C and B2B Scenerios, Viral Marketing, Inbound Marketing and Co-creation. |
6 | Online Branding:-Cyberbranding, Consumers-The New Influential Constituency, The Digital Brand Ecosystem, Brand Experience, Brand Customer Centricity, Brands and Emotions. |
7 | Traffic Building:-The Diamond-Water Paradox, internet Traffic Plan, Search Marketing Methods for Traffic Building, Traffic-building Goals, Search Engine Marketing, Internet Marketing Metrics. |
8 | Web Business Models:-The value Of a Customer Contact, Customer-centric Web Business Models, Customer-centric Business Management, Customer Value Analysis and the Internet, Web Benefits to Firms, The Indian Web Market, Price Effects in Online Domain. |
9 | E-commerce:-Online Distribution and Procurement, Fundamental Advantages Offered by the Internet, E-commerce Applications, Measuring E-commerce Success. |
10 | Engagement Marketing through Content Management:-Building Collaborative Customer Relationships, Consumer Engagement, Engagement Marketing, Building Consumer Engagement through Content Management, Integration and Alignment. |
11 | Online Campaign Management:-Campaign Management using Facebook, Campaign Management using Twitter, Twitter Marketing, Campaign Management using Corporate Blogs, Customer Relationship Management, Tagging and Folksonomies, Using Corporate Blog as a CRM 4.0 Tool, Customer Liking, Evaluating Consumer Sentiment using Sentiwordnet 1.0, Consumer Segmentation based on Consumer Sentiment Score. |
12 | Consumer Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning using online Tools:-Different Methods & Types for Consumer segmentation, Consumer Segmentation in the Virtual Space, Popularity of Brand Pages, Consumer Psychographic Profiles and Consumer Segmentation, Types of Targeting, Brand Positioning Online, Emerging Consumer Segments in India . |
13 | Market Influence Analytics in a Digital Ecosystem:-The Digital Ecosystem, Consumer-generated Media and Consumer Behaviour, Peer Reviews, Word of Mouth, and the dissatisfied Customer, The value of the Power of Influence. |
140 | Online Communities and Co-creation:-Co-creation Communities for Brands, Co-creation Communities-Some Exhibits, A Consumer Co-creation Model using INV Based on Metcalf Law (C-INV), Consumer Price Sensitivity. |
15 | The World of Facebook:-Eight Different Versions of Facebook, Facebook-The Origin, the Anatomy of Facebook, The Impact of a Facebook Fan, Brand Post Popularity, Consumer Visit Schedules and Click-through Rates. |
16 | The Future of Marketing-Gamification and Apps:-Gamification and Game-based Marketing, Consumer Motivation for Playing Online Games, Use of Games as Marketing Tools, The World of App. |
Curriculum of Social Media Marketing – Paper 2nd
S.No. | Topics |
1 | Understanding Social Media Marketing:-Defining Social Media Marketing, Learning about the Roles People Play, Comparing Social Media Marketing with other Marketing Efforts. |
2 | Discovering Your SMM Competitors:-Classifying Consumer Activities, Analyzing Competitor Efforts, Researching Your Competitors’ Campaign Support, Dipping into Hot SMM Concepts. |
3 | Getting in the Social Media Marketing Frame of Mind:-Putting SMM in the Context of the Marketing Funnel, Deepening Your SMM Relationship, Treating SMM Differently from Brand Marketing. |
4 | Launching SMM Campaigns:-Discovering the Types of SMM Campaigns, Recognizing What Makes a Good SMM Campaign, Killing the Campaign Expiry Date, Responding to Criticism. |
5 | Developing Your SMM Voice:-Figuring Out Why You Need a SMM Voice, Defining SMM Voice Characteristics, Outlining SMM Voice Objectives, Crowdsourcing SMM Voice with Guidelines. |
6 | Finding the Right Platforms:-Choosing Social Media Platforms, Preparing Your Employees for Social Media Networking, Evaluating Your Resources. |
7 | Exploring SMM Strategies for Facebook:-Looking at Facebook Basics, Using Ads on Facebook |
8 | Marketing on Twitter:-Figuring Out the Basics of Twitter, Marketing via Twitter, Using Promoted Accounts, Making Use of Promoted Tweets, Discovering Twitter Tips and Tricks. |
9 | Creating A YouTube Strategy:-Looking at YouTube Basics, Promoting on YouTube, Seeding a Viral Campaign, Advertising on YouTube, Finding Marketing Inspiration on YouTube. |
10 | Making Foursquare Work for You:-Utilizing the Platform, Setting Up Shop on Foursquare, Using Advanced Marketing Strategies with Foursquare, Tips and Tricks for Marketing on Foursquare. |
11 | Considering Linkedin:-Getting Started, Creating a New Profile, Participating in Groups, Using Linkedin Answers, Finding a Job. |
12 | Viewing Google through a Different Lens:-Looking at Google’s Social Strategy, Grasping the Google + Fundamentals, Listening to Google and Music. |
13 | Marketing via Niche Networks and Online Communities:-Exploring the Niche Social Networks, Finding the Right Social Platforms, Taking Care of the Unpaid Media Basics. |
14 | Accounting for the Influencers:-Knowing the Expert Influencers, Reaching the Expert Influencers, Tapping into the Referent Influencers, Translating Influence to the Offline World. |
15 | Practicing SMM on Your Website:-Moving Toward the SIMM-Focused Website, Making the Campaign and the Website Work Together, Facebook Social Plug-Ins, Tips and Tricks for Website SMM. |
16 | Becoming an Authentic and Engaged Advertiser:-Social Advertising: A Potential Online Advertising Game Changer. |
17 | Building an SMM Mobile Campaign:-Looking at Consumer Trends in Mobile, Understanding the Many Paths within the Mobile Channel, Fitting Mobile into Your Social Media Practices, Deciding When to Build a Mobile App. |
18 | Energizing Your Employees for Social Media Marketing:-Encouraging Your Employees to Collaborate, Picking Social Software for Social Influence. |
19 | Applying Metrics to the SMM Realm:-Taking a Core Measure of Social Media Marketing, Considering Influencer-Specific Metrics, Evaluating Each Platform’s Metrics. |
20 | Understanding Social Media Governance and Tools:-Recognizing How SMM Impacts Other Company Functions, Introducing Social Media Governance Models, Dealing with a Social Media Crisis. |
21 | Moving Towards Real-Time Marketing:-Introducing Real-Time Marketing, Organizing for Real-Time Marketing, Taking TV into Real-Time Marketing. |
22 | Ten SMM Best Practices:-Open Up Your Brand to Your Customers, and Let Them Evolve It, Respond to Everything, Capture Every Single Piece of Data that You Can, Make Mistakes. |
23 | Ten Common SMM Mistakes:-Encroaching on Customer’s Time, Being Impatient. |
24 | Ten SMM-Related Must-Read Blogs:-Web Strategy, Steve Rubel, Chris Brogan, Conversation Agent, Influential Marketing Blog. |
25 | Ten Top SMM Tools:-Technorati, BlogPulse, Compete, Nielsen BuzzMetrics, Boardreader. |
Curriculum of Hospitality Management- Paper 1st (BIBM- E1045)
S.No. Topics
1 Introduction:-The Hospitality Industry, Department and Growth, Business Demand Development, Expansion of the Indian Hotel Industry, The concept of Globalization.
2 The Management of a Hotel:-Functions of Management, Quality Management, Strategic Management, Strategy, Structures.
3 Scientific Management and Operation of Hospitality Services:- Scientific Management of Service, Attributes of Service, Team Work and Communication, Culture, Motivation and Recondition, A Sense of Belongingness, Shared Goals, Complementary Skills and Attributes, Organizational Health Checks, Hotel Operation Theories, Operational Strategy, Hospitality Operations, Operational Strategies in Hotel Industry, Operational Performance, Teamwork, Measuring Performance.
4 The Scope and Functioning of a Hotel:-Minimum Standards for Tourist Accommodation, Manpower requirement Guidelines for Hotels, Computers and Data Processing, Use of Computers Information Technology, Electronic Point of Sale (EPOS), Audit and Accounts.
5 The Guest in a Hotel:-Invitees and Licencees, Responsibilities of a Hotel.
6 Department Structure:-Operating Departments, The General Manager, Departmental Contacts,
7 Front Office Operations:-Components of the accommodation, Other Functions of the Front Office.
8 Uniform and Guest Services:-Services provided by Uniformed Services, Control in Staff Manager’s Office.
9 Housekeeping:-Areas under Executive Housekeeper, Functions of Housekeeping Department.
10 Linen and Uniforms:-Functions, Staff include in the section.
11 Kitchen and its Operations:-Activities related to the Food, Kitchen Equipment and Layout, Main Sections of a Kitchen, Main Production Centre, Ancillary Food Production, Non Cooking Staff, Staff Mess Control.
12 Restaurant Operations:- Food Services, The Grill Room, The Coffee Shop, Cocktail Lounge, The Lounge, Cover, Hygiene, Positions in a Food and Beverage Department, Room Service, Billing, Beverage Sales Control, Control.
13 Bar Operations:-Types of Bars, Excise Laws, Bar Control.
14 Stewarding:-Executive Kitchen Steward, Night Duty Steward.
15 Sales and Marketing:-Advertising, Press Conference, Construction Plans.
16 Engineering and Maintenances:-Maintenance Plan, Chief Engineer, Areas under Engineering Department, Maintenance and Engineering Control.
17 Administration and Human Resources Development:-Duties/Functions of the Personnel Department, Positions under Personnel Department, Control in Timekeeper’s Office.
18 Accounting and Finance Control:-Main points in Purchasing Decisions, Management Control Cycle, Budgeting, Role of individuals under Accounting & Finance Department, Classification of Employees Duties of Auditor Control of Trade Accounts, Cash Control, Foreign Currency, Cheques, Visitor’s Pay-outs, Staff Bar Tickets.
19 Laundry:-Guest Laundry, House Laundry, Laundry Control.
20 Sub-Rentals and Concessions:-Income from Rental.
21 Facilities:-Telephone and Telex, Garage and Parking Lot, Swimming Pools; Cabanas and Baths, Expenses, Valet, Tobacconists; Cigars and Newsstand, Gift Shops and Souvenirs, Barber Shop/Hair Dressing Saloon, Beauty Parlour, Concierge, Florist/ Horticulture, Entertainment and Recreation Facilities, Checkrooms and Washrooms.
22 Banquet Functions Conferences and Catering Operations:-Functions, Meeting Rooms, The Conference Room, Organization, Banqueting Control, Equipment, Booking the Banquet, Industrial catering, Railway Catering, Ship Catering, Air Catering, Cafeterias, School and Hospital Catering, Hotel and Motel Catering.
23 Outdoor Catering or Mobile Catering:-Weddings, Banquets/Dinners.
24 Exhibitions and Other Income Sources:-Other Income Sources.
25 Purchase and Stores:-Division of Department, Methods of Purchasing, Control in Goods Receiving, Dry Goods Store (Provisions Store), Food and Beverages, The Kitchen, Still Room, Services Checks, General Stores, Issues From Stock.
26 Security and Safety:-Functions of Security, Security Precautions, Security of Premises, Security of Staff and Guests, Security of Keys.
27 Security Measures for Cash and Credit:-Guidelines for Security of Cash, Credit Losses.
28 Pilferage and Theft:-Handling Cases of Arrest and Search, Model Guidelines, In Case of Theft by Staff, Guard Against Dishonest Employees.
29 Maintenance of Buildings, Machinery and Equipment:-Inspection, Maintenance Procedure, Display of Notices.
30 Accident Prevention:-Safety and Security Measures, Safety Plan, Maintenance of Safe Working Conditions, Proper Maintenance of Accident Records, Handling of Bomb Threats.
31 Precautions Against Fire:-Causes of Fires, Design of Equipment, Surface Finishes of Walls and Ceilings, Legislation and Fire Precautions, Fire Certificate, Appeal, Enforcement, Penalties, Fire Precaution Requirement Guidance for Hotels and Tourist Accommodation, General Requirements, For Emergency Lighting, In Case of Fire, Fire Drills, type of Appliances, Housekeeping Standards, Potential Fire Risks.
32 Staff Training: Fire Drills and Procedures in Emergency Situations:-Guidelines for Instructions to Internal Staff; Fire Warden(s); Telephone Operators; Assembly Area Checker, Staff Training Checks, Maintenance and Building Checks, Treatment Guidelines, Accidents Prevention, Safety rules and Regulations, Legal Control on the Hotel Premises, Employees’ Health, Conditions of Work.
Curriculum of Hospitality and Tourism Marketing- Paper 2nd (BIBM- E1046)
S.No. Topics
1 Defining Hospitality:-Introduction, Development in Road Transport in 17th to Early 19thCentury, The Grand Tour, Authorisation to Travel, The Development of the Spas, The Rise of the Seaside Resorts, Conditions Favouring the Expansion of Travel in 19th Century, Other Late-19thcentury Development.
2 Marketing for Youth Customer:-Economic Impact, Exploring Nature Based and Cultural Educational Tourism, Literature Review, Evolution of Ecotourism, Key Considerations for Successful Ecotourism, Core Decision Makers
3 The Management of Australian Educational Tourism:-Challenges, Organisational Framework for Implementing Education Tourism at the Country, Organisational Framework Needed to Implement Regional Education Tourism, World Tourism Statistics and Rankings.
4 Hospitality Planning and Management:-What is Marketing, Recreation and Tourism Marketing, The Marketing Plan, Overall Business Objectives, Market Environment Analysis, Market Segmentation, Marketing Objectives for Each Segment, Marketing Mix, Marketing Budget, Implementation, Information Supply in Tourism Management, Tourism Marketing Information System, Analysis of the User Behaviour of Tour MIS.
5 Contemporary Food Marketing-Challenges & Ethical Issues:-Interests and Behaviors of the Marketers, Promotional Regulations, Food & Beverage, Profile of Key Responsibilities, Objective: To reduce Waste in our Operations, Objectives: To Minimise Pollution in the Delivery of our Services, Objective: To Minimise Pollution in the Delivery of our Services, Objective: To Minimise the Environmental Impact of Pest Control Operations, Objective: To Promote Environmental Awareness Through Educational Programmes and Campaigns.
6 Hospitality Markets:-Creating Jobs and Wealth, Contributing to Sustainable Development, Providing Infrastructure, Corporate Initiatives, Company Initiatives, Codes of Conduct, Industry Initiatives for Sustainable Tourism Problems, Coastal Impact of Tourism, Tourism Terrorism and Tomorrow, Improving Sustainability, Connecting the Sustainable Livelihoods Approach and Tourism, World Travel and Tourism Council.
7 Services for Hospitality Markets:-Concepts of Service Quality Measurement in Hotel Industry, Service Quality Measurement in Hotel Industry, Theoretical Criticism, Servqual Model in Croatian Hotel Industry, Marketing Strategies in Hotel Industry, Marketing Action Plan, The Strategy Hierarchy, Historical Development of Strategic Management, Information and Technology driven Strategy, The Psychology of Strategic Management, Limitations of Strategic Management.
Managing Hotel Operations- Paper 1st
Front Office Operations- Paper 2nd
Curriculum of Managing Hotel Operations- Paper 1st (BIBM- E1047)
S.No. Topics
1 Introduction to Check-In and Check-Out:-Check-In, Guest House Check-In, Airport Check-In.
2 Elements and Dimensions of Check-In and Check-Out: An Overview:-Taking a Reservation, Checking Guests In and Out, Check-Out and Settlement, Role of Hotel, Motel and Resort Desk Clerks.
3 Check-In and Check-Out, Hotel Reservation and Front Desk Software:-Software Overview, Software Features, Web Based Hotel Reservation Engine, General Modules and Features of Hotel Front Desk Software, Types of Hotel Front Desk Software.
4 Job Description for Guest Services Management: An Overview:-Job Descriptions for Guest Services Management, Role of ‘Guest Services Agent in a Hotel’, Duties of a Guest Services Agent, Managing Guest Check-Ins and Check-Outs, Model Check-In Policy and Welcome Letter, Flexibility With Check-In and Checkout Days?, Model Pre-Arrival Information for Vacation Rental Guests, Welcome Baskets and Gifts for Your Vacation Rental Guests, Model Welcome Gift for Guests, Model Welcome Book for Guests, Way to Book Last-Minute Rentals at Your Vacation Home, Sample Checkout Policy and Departure Checklist, Model Guest Service Agent Resume, Model Job Description.
5 Description of Select Facilities and Amenities at Guest Houses and Hotels:-Ballroom, Parlour, Living Room, Family Room, Recreation Room, Outhouse, Toilet, Bathroom, Shower, Sauna, Hotel Management Matters, Customer Service, Guests Services in Hospitality Industry Presentation Transcript, Achieving Excellence in Guest Service Training, Seven keys to Improving Casino Guest Service.
6 Focus on Travel Document Boarding Pass and Airline Ticket:-Travel Documents, Boarding Pass, Travel Class, Arrival Card, Departure Card, Airline Ticket, Electronic Ticket, E Ticket.
7 Description of Facilities and Amenities at Airport and in Aircraft:-Airport, Airport Lounge, Aircraft, Flush Toilet.
Curriculum of Front Office Operations- Paper 2nd (IIBM- E1048)
S.No. Topics
1 Introduction:-Reception Office Lay-out, Front Office Services, Various Section of the Front Office, Front Office Systems, The Reservation Office, The Hotel Diary, Computer Systems.
2 The Nature and Structure of Hotel Industry:-Industry Knowledge, Hotel Product, Sales Techniques and Product Knowledge, Hotel Market and Customer Profile.
3 Front Office Organisation:- Front Office Staff and Their Duties, Qualities of Front Office Staff, Communication, Personal Hygiene, Guest Services and Caring for Customers.
4 Preparing for Guest Arrivals:-Receiving, Registration, Reservation, Reception, Key Card, Departmental Notification Form Slips, Arrivals and Departure List, Guests Luggage, Departure Procedure, Checking-In Guests, Checking-Out-Guests, Issuing and Controlling Room Keys, Handling Mail and Message, Front Office Statistics, Room Forecasts.
5 Selling Accommodation:-Ways for Sale of Accomodation.
6 Handling Special Situations:- Chance Arrival, Over Booking, Change of Rooms, Handling Complaints, Recording Complaints, Fire Emergency, First-Aid, On the Spot Treatment of Casualties, Basic Treatment of Wounds, Minor Burns, Scalds and Other Minor Injuries, Security, Front Office Procedure for Emergencies.
7 Lobby:-Responsibilites of Lobby Staff, Departments Co-ordinating with the Lobby.
8 Communication Equipment:-Telephone, Various Types of Telephone Exchange, Equipment Used in Telephone Operating, Qualities of a Good Telephone Operator, Telephone Mannerism, Coordination with Other Departments in the Hotel, General Duties and Responsibilites of the Telephone Department, Telex, Using the Telex and Fax
9 Front Office Cashier:-Job Description of Front Office Cashier, Duties of Front Office Cashier, Cheque, Hotel Credit, Deposit, Visitors Account, Foreign Currency, Safe Deposits in Hotel, Safe Custody of Valuables.
10 Computer in Front Office:-Reservation and Room Management by Computers, Communication and related Reception Applications, Descreet and Integrated Systems, Advantage; Costs and Applications.
11 Front Office Control And Statistics:-Controlling Visitors Account, Visitors Disbursements, Restaurant Control, Bar Control.
12 Short Notes:- Telex, Hotel Dairy, The Advance Reservation Chart, The Destiny Chart, The Whitney System, The Guest History Card, Traveler’s Cheque, Alphabetical Guest Index, Key And Mail Rack, Travel Agent Coupons, Receipts, Arrival and Departure List, Arrival And Departure Notification, Maid’s Report Sheet, Extension of Stay, Luggage Passes, Call Sheets, Group Reservation, Guest Folio.
Tourism Management- Paper 1st
Tourism Development – Paper 2nd
Curriculum of Tourism Management- Paper 1st (BIBM- E1081)
S.No. Topics
1 Tourism: Introduction:-Concept of Tourism, Nature of Tourism: Leiper Model, Negative Impact of Tourism, Significance of Tourism, Classification, UN Conference on International Tourism, History of Tourism, Tourism in India, Suggestions for Appropriate Government Policy to Stimulate Tourism, Tourism Regulation, Future of Tourism.
2 Evolution of Tourism:-Epochs of Tourism, Travel Literature, Leisure Development and State Intervention.
3 Mass Tourism: Tourism in Modern Times
4 Geography of Tourism:-The World Scale, The National Scale, The Local Scale, Maps-A Guide to Tourist, Geographical Components of Tourism, Tourist Attractions, Festivals and Fairs of India.
5 Politics of Tourism
6 Tourist Motivation:-Demand for Tourism, Tourist Environment, Youth Tourism.
7 Statistical Measurement in Tourism:-International Source, Domestic Tourism, Limitations of Statistics.
8 Tourist Behaviour
9 Role of Travel Agencies:-Retail Travel Agent, Functions of a Modern Travel Agency, Inclusive Tours by Charter (ITC), Inclusive Tourism on Scheduled Services (ITX), Travel Organisations.
10 Transport and Tourism:-Road Transport Automobile, Rail Transport, Travel by Sea, Air Travel.
11 Accommodation: Hospitality Industry:-Hotels.
12 Evolution of Hospitality Industry
13 Management of Hospitality Industry:-Development of Hotels, Hotels Grading Schemes, Hotel Facilities, The Hotel Front Office and Reception, The Guest Cycle.
14 Marketing in Tourism:-The Holiday Tourist, The Business Tourist, The Common Interest Tourism, Marketing Tools.
15 Economic, Social and Ecological Impacts of Tourism:-Economic Impact of Tourism, Social and Cultural Impacts of Tourism: Positive and Negative Effects, Sex-Tourism-A Modern Disease, Tourism and Pollution, Eco-Tourism, Problems of Tourism.
16 Promotion and Development of Tourism
17 Tourism in India:-Architecture and Sculptures as Attraction, Sun, Sand and Surf.
Curriculum of Tourism Development – Paper 2nd (IIBM- E1082)
S.No Topics
1 Historical Dimensions:-Travel in Prehistoric Times, Travel in Middle Ages, Early Pleasure Travel, The Grand Tour and the Renaissance, Travel in the Industrial Age, Development of Early Transportation Systems, Development of Modern Transport Systems, Advent of High Speed Trains.
2 Emergency of Modern Mass Tourism:-Post-World War II Phenomenon, Main Tourist Generators in the 60s, Expansion of Tourism in the 90s, The Social Causes, The Technological Causes.
3 Psychological Dimensions of Travel:-Tourism as Behaviour, Early Influences, Motivation, Travel Motivators.
4 Economic Dimensions:-The WTO Conference, The Manila Declaration, The Economic Impacts, The Economic Significance, Tourism Economic Multiplier, Infrastructure, Regional Development, Employment, Employment Multiplier, Cultural Resources, International Understanding.
5 International Dimensions:-Measurement of Tourism, Importance of Tourist Statistics, Defining “Tourist”, Defining International Tourism, Defining Domestic Tourist, General Problems of Measurement, Types of Tourist Statistics, Methods of Measurement, Data Sources for Travel and Tourism, Planning a Survey.
6 The Organisation of Tourism:-The Need for Organisation, Factors Influencing Type of Organisation, UN Conference Recommendations, The National Tourist Organisation, Functions of the National Tourist Organisation, Tourist Organisation in India, Tourist Organization in Italy.
7 International Tourism Organisations:-Early History, International Union of Official Travel Organisation, World Tourism Organisation, Pacific Asia Travel Association, PATA Chapters, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, European Travel Commission, India Ocean Tourism Organisation.
8 Tourist Accommodation:-Brief History, Emergence of Hotel, Types of Hotels, Supplementary Accommodation, Time-Share and Resorts, Grading Systems, Geographical Distribution.
9 The Role of the Travel Agency:-Thomas Cook as Travel Agent, The Grand Circular Tour, The American Express Company, Profile of Modern Travel Agency, Setting up of a Travel Agency, The Tour Operator, Group Inclusive Tour, Travel Organisation.
10 Tourism Planning and Development:-Planning for Tourism, Co-Ordination in Planning, The Planning Process, Tourist Demand and Supply, Environment Planning, Carrying Capacity, Importance of Tourism Planning.
11 Marketing for Tourism:-The Marketing Evolution, Mass Production and the Markets, Marketing Concept, Marketing in Travel and Tourism, The Tourist Product, Market Segmentation, Special Features, Marketing Functions, The Marketing Mix, Tourist Marketing Mix.
12 Marketing Communication:-Advertising, Planning the Advertising, Advertising Campaign, The Creative Strategy, The Media Mix, Sales Support, Sales Support Techniques, Public Relations, Public Relation Techniques, Tourist Publicity, Tourist Publicity Methods, The Brand Concept, Tourist Publicity Media.
13 Tourism in India:-Early History, Ancient Civilization, Travel through the Ages, Accounts of Early Travelers, Early Travel Patterns, India-A Land of all Seasons, Development of Tourism, The Sargent Committee, Tourism Organisation, Setting up of Tourist Information Offices, Overseas Tourist Offices, Setting up of the Department of Tourism, Present Position.
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